Page 213 of Top Dog

I lay awake in bed and watched the sun come up. Waking early had never been a problem for me, but I wondered if my houseguests would be stirring at this hour. I had to hand it to Bella. She wasn’t some brain-dead bimbo who was easily manipulated by the promise of sex. She had refused me, and that was something I wasn’t that used to. I had gone to sleep the night before thinking about my methods and if I should have approached her differently. She had most definitely called my bluff.

The truth was, the agreement didn’t have anything to do Kayla’s hissy fit. She was drunk, and I was insured. No harm, no foul. I wondered if Bella would tell Kayla about the bargain as I rolled over and stared out my bedroom window at the branches from the magnolia which stood proudly near the house. I got up and went to the bathroom and returned to bed. No one else was up, so why should I be? I took my phone and looked through some more pictures.

The girls were all the same, mostly blondes, mostly party girls, mostly one-night stands and random hookups, and if they hadn’t let me take a selfie and put their number on my phone, I’d probably not even remember their names.

I thought back to the night before when Bella was looking at the photos downstairs. The way her whole face had changed and her eyes had lit up when she’d talked about photography, showed me that she was truly nothing like any of the bimbos I was used to. This girl had a passion and a dream and I was starting to feel like a real shit about my intentions. As much as I could see her being the one to carry my child, I could also see it ruining her dream. Would she be able to be both a mother and an artist? Sure, I would take financial care of her and a baby, but would her drive be the same once she had someone else to take care of?

“Reed?” I looked up to see Bella standing in my doorway, her thin form covered by a blanket which she kept bunched up above her breasts. I sat up, the cool air hitting my skin, reminding me that I was naked, and I wondered what she had on beneath the blanket. There were two small straps across her shoulder, pale yellow and cotton, or so it looked from across the room. She looked so sexy that my guilt faded almost immediately.

“Good morning.”

She walked into the room slowly, as if at any minute I might ask her to leave. “I hope you don’t mind, I heard you get up.” I pulled the sheet up to my waist, making sure I was covered.

She looked at the bed and the space beside me and lowered herself at the foot of my bed.

“I don’t bite, Bella.”

“Could have fooled me.” She kept her hand tight against her chest as she met my eyes with a challenging look.

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “You’re brutally honest.”

“Are you always like this or do you have something against Kayla and me showing up to ruin your rodeo plans with Rick?”

That was an interesting question, and I wondered why she would think that Rick having guests would bother me.

“It’s not the first time we’ve had guests for the rodeo, Bella. But I will say, it’s the first time any of them beat the shit out of my truck.”

“About that,” she let her eyes trail down my body and back until she met my gaze again. “Would you reconsider the terms of the bargain?”

I gave her a smoldering glare. “Are you backing out?”

“Surely, you’re not going to blackmail me into sleeping with you?” She lifted her chin.

“It’s always been your choice, Bella. I’m not going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do. You don’t by chance want to show me what you’re wearing under that blanket?”

Her mouth popped open and just when I thought she would protest she dropped her hand and let the blanket fall away. Beneath it, she was wearing a soft yellow cotton camisole and the tiniest pair of cotton panties that barely covered her mound which appeared to be completely bare. I felt my dick twitch and had to suppress a groan.

“Well now that you’ve shown me yours, should I show you mine?” I asked huskily.

Her eyes flashed, and her cheeks reddened. “You’re impossible.”

“No, I’m quite easy, Bella. All you have to do is say the word, and I’ll show you how easy I am.” She hadn’t come in here for no reason. Something told me that she was on the verge of reconsidering.

“Fine, show me.” She lifted a shoulder and gave me a bored look until I pulled back the covers and revealed my throbbing erection. Her eyes widened, and she inadvertently licked her lips.

The action made my balls ache, and I wanted her to lean over and give me that hot little mouth in more ways than one.

I reached out, and she took my hand, allowing me to pull her closer to my side. Once she was seated next to me, I kissed her nice and slow. I had to know what she had under those little panties, so while I had her mouth, I decided to touch her. She’d angled her hips closer, and I rubbed my hand across the soft cotton and then slipped a finger beneath it. She stiffened but didn’t stop me. Instead she kept kissing me, her mouth moving gently with mine.

I exhaled and then deepened the kiss slipping my fingers between her soft folds, and she was so slick for me I wanted to taste her. Instead, I kept my mouth working hers and slipped my finger into her channel, spreading the nectar I’d found there across her swollen clit.

She hissed a breath and pulled away, her desire and emotions conflicting in her expression. “You’re not going to press charges against Kayla, are you? I mean, if I do this?”

I pressed my finger deeper, hooking it upward in a come-hither motion which had her shivering.

“Is that the only reason you’re doing this, Bella? Tell me it is, and I’ll forget the whole thing, and you can walk right out of here anytime you wish.” I stroked her pussy, the tender flesh as soft as rose petals, and she moaned and ground her hips. “Mhmm. Tell me you want this, Bella.” It was so much hotter that she’d come to me wanting it on her own terms.

My cock was pounding with desire and the need to spread her little slit and bury myself good and deep inside her. I had never done anything without protection since my first time years ago, but knowing I wanted to bust my load deep inside her had me laying her back and slipping off her panties.