Page 43 of Alien Mate

After hours of deliberation, they bring us to another large clay building. Only, this one is different. It is painted black.

"What is this place?" I whisper.

Ax looks worried. "The Gerkis are speedy with their trials," he says.

We filter down the large stone steps until we reach the lower level of the building. Scattered plates of bones, meat, and utensils are everywhere. Four fat toad-like aliens sit, smiling hungrily.

"The giant frogs. Who are they?" I ask.

"The Zelfon. Bureaucratic toad-tongues without a brain to help them. Look at their pitiful bodies. They didn't fight Earth's invasion, but if they had tried, they would have been killed off in an instant."

They wear white wigs and black, button down outfits that are far too tight for their stomachs. One burps. Another drools onto the table. The other Zelfon aliens choke on more food.

"They are ridiculous," I say.

"They wield a lot of power. Bow your head and plead forgiveness. They are quick to judgment," he says.

The blind Gerkis bounty hunter is waiting for us in the center of the room. He raises his arms and gives his opening statement. "Council, I come here to collect my bounty. I have found two fugitives. The alien is a Kurrek, from the lost tribes of Elysa. The woman is an Earthling. She is his mate. He has bred her illegally."

The Zelfon alien in the center lazily leans back and chews loudly. "She was purchased and registered?"

"At a Syndicate auction, sir," the Gerkis bounty hunter says. "I have transported her here so that she can return to her home and people. The required DNA tests have been submitted. It is now up for your approval."

Another Zelfon alien points at me. With his greasy fingers, he motions for me to come hither. "And you, precious Earthling doll. What do you have to say about this?"

I feel every limb lock. I look back at Ax. He whispers that it's okay, but I'm terrified of their judgment.

"With respect to the council, he is lying," I say. "This alien killed my commanding officer. She was on a rescue mission to save me."

The Gerkis guards gasp. One shouts, "Impossible!"

My face turns hot. "Did you not shoot her in the back? Is she not lying face down in the grassy plains where you found us?"

The toad slides a sliver of wet meat into his mouth. "Order," he grumbles. "There will be order in the chamber of justice. Bounty hunter, how do you respond to such spinous accusations?"

The blind and bloody bounty hunter bows. "Council, I beg of you to listen to reason. Look at the damage they have inflicted on my body. Her friend was a defector. She was helping them escape," he says.

The Zelfon swallows. "To which region?"

The bounty hunter smiles. "We think she was attempting intergalactic travel, sir. Possibly Earth."

Upon this reveal, the Zelfon can hardly sit still. "There is to be no space travel unless one gets proper clearance," he says. "Where is the officer's body?"

The bounty hunter paces the room. "We left her to decompose in the fields outside of Ryuka. Her body will serve as a warning to anyone willing to stand against the rules of the Zelfon chambers."

The Zelfon alien at the west end of the table yawns as he bangs his gavel. "Very good, bounty hunter! They are guilty. It's clear," he says. "The evidence says as much."

"We must take a unanimous vote," another says.

Another burp. "This is cutting into our day. Verdict is guilty."

I choke, shocked by the quick decision. "W-W-What?"

Ax clenches his teeth but bows his head. "Council, can you judge without hearing my side? She is with child. I ask the court for mercy."

"With child, you say? We will show her mercy by removing the growing alien from her body," the center Zelfon says. "Then she will be the Earth Federation’s problem."

I feel my legs turn to jelly, and my heart pounds against my chest. My body turns cold. This can't be happening. This has to be some fucked up nightmare.