Page 1 of Alien Mate

Introduction: Anna

I wake in darkness.

With no hope. With him rising above me like a tidal wave.

I bite my cheek and choke on tears. I never thought this would happen.

Abducted. Naked and afraid. I am lost, lost on a planet that is very much not my own.

I see his monstrous silhouette block out the sky before my knees buckle under me.

He takes me. In time, I learn to be his.

I close my eyes and say goodbye to the world.


Location: Planet Kurrek.

Year: 2235 A.D.

The other soldiers call it planet Hell. I call it home.

The night sky glows with falling embers. The jungle cries with the sounds of winged, long-tailed creatures. Howling, hungry mammals hide in the trees, waiting for their moment to spring.

Earth Federation came here seeking peace and diplomatic solutions. Our stakes? We wanted to end the looming threat of universal extinction.

Every step of the way, the aliens challenged us. We invaded their Red Sands. Our warships dropped bomb after bomb, after fucking bomb, until calmer talks could resume.

We sunk projectiles into their city centers. Rover bots roamed the streets, firing at any sign of life.

We gave them all the led we had in our magazines. No rules were followed. Out here, there is no Geneva Protocol. There is only extinction and colonization.

This war is an unending bloodbath.

It took humans over one hundred years to get the remaining alien tribes to submit and surrender. We pushed them into settlements, taught them Earth's customs, and allowed for a bridge of peace to build.

It wasn't the best we could do. But it could've been a hell of a lot worse.

The hundred year invasion is coming to an end, but Earth Federation will always remain. We stay and fight to control any remaining instability. But there's only so much we can do.

A vast network of criminal activity has taken advantage of a century of volatility to flourish and gain control over the remaining alien population. These alpha extraterrestrials, known as the Syndicate, hunt and force their women to mate.

Once they claim you, you become their territory.

The rich soil of the Elysa Jungles feels smooth beneath my paramilitary boots. My EF-1 shock gun rests heavily in my hands. The on-screen dash of the Tera-930 displays a snapshot of the jungle terrain.

Good to go.

The cries of strange animals haunt the surrounding jungles, but they no longer fill me with dread. This is the world we signed up to protect. My only home. I'm used to the chaos.

I adjust my headset, stare into my thermal viewer, my chin sweating against the tight strap. I've been here for hours, sent on a mission to check out possible movement in the area; possible Syndicate scum. It's hard to know. Mammals and small creatures set the alarms off all the time.

Unfortunately, our reports come with a certain lack of consistency, but we have to check it out to be safe.

"Command, there's nothing in view. I think it's another bust," I say.

My commanding officer, Clara Riley, sighs. "Are you sure? We've received three different reports of strange activity. It’s possible they have camouflaged their bodies."

I shake my head. "I thought so, too, but I programmed a heat bot to relay information over the four quadrants of the region. So far, the data isn't showing anything remarkable. There is nothing out here," I say, stepping near some animal shit. "Well, nothing except a few mud pies."

"Gross," she says.

"Hey, you're the one who sent me out here," I say. "I hate this place. The jungle… it’s too dense to guard."

She pauses. "Hold tight. I'd like to document this call. Cool if I use your sight to lock in visual confirmation?" she asks.

I pause. "My sight? We're really going there?"

"Anna, calm down," she says.

"There's nothing out here, Clara. Why'd you send me on a mission if you’re not certain. I’m tired of coming back empty handed."

She laughs. Something is going on with her, but I can’t put my finger on it.

"Don't worry. I won't let command watch more than you allow," she says.

"Promise me," I say.

"It's the savages mating season, which means we need to stay on our toes. Another woman could get taken," she says. “A soldier, even. We need to beat them, Anna.”

The thought sends a chill down my spine. "If there is any alien activity, I'll find it, but there's no way they're going to steal one of Earth Federation's junior officers," I say.

"You never know. I just want video confirmation in case you pick up movement over the next few hours," she says.

Mandatory eye implants were never a good idea. If a command officer wants access, they can see everything.

"The next few hours? Are you really expecting me to stay out here for that long?" I ask.

"Actually, yes. That's an order, bitch."

I sigh and bite my tongue. "At the very least, stop calling them savages. Not only is it disrespectful, but it's stupid. We’re supposed to be maintaining order. You know, bringing the world peace?"

She laughs. “Order? Fat chance. Let’s be real, Anna. This place was never suitable for civilization,” she says.

“Maybe.” I sigh and collect myself. “The truth is, mating season has me worried. Whenever the two suns set, I worry I’ll be next.”

"It's been a long time since I had a good fuck. Might make for a nice time," she says.

Clara doesn’t put her walls down. She acts like this is all a joke, but it’s not. It’s getting worse out here, and she knows it.

"You're crude,” I say.

"Sex-fueled savages with the biggest cocks known to this universe," she says. “The image doesn’t turn you on?”

"I just read a piece on their mating rituals. It's not purely sexual. It’s about pain for them," I say. “To answer your question: No, it doesn’t turn me on. It scares the hell out of me.”

"Big. Throbbing. Alien cocks," she says. "As thick and meaty as a roll of salami."

"You're disgusting."