Page 9 of Alien Mate

I’ve never been more mortified in my life.

"Look at what you’ve done. We’ll have to mop up your mess," he growls. "Do not anger me any more than you already have. All of your clothes must come off."

With great shame, I unhook my bra. I slide my panties down to my ankles, and I lower my head in submission. "Anything else?" I ask.

"On your knees. Legs together," he says.

I position my body in the prayer position, knowing full well that I'm very far away from any church. I close my eyes and tremble. I’d beg if I knew it would do any good.

His fingers trickle down my back toward my ass as he takes my measurements.

"Perfect figure. We should send her in for breeding as soon as possible," he says.

The elderly alien s

itting nods his head and moans with approval. "Could receive five offspring from her if the alphas aim for it," he says.

The man nods and looks back at me. He whips out a camera and takes a few pictures. Each click sends shockwaves of panic.

I close my eyes again. "I want to see your eyes, lady," he says.

He forces my eyes open with his meaty fingers. He holds a wand in front of my vision. A red light flashes and scans my retinae. When it processes the data, it makes an unpleasant noise.

The computer speaks: "Synthetic additions detected."

The alien clicks his tongue and shakes his head. "Bad girl. You have made synthetic additions to your eyesight. Camera sight for Earth Federation, right? Well, easy fix. All we have to do is open you up and take out your eye."

"No, wait. I am a junior officer of the Earth Federation. You do not have the right to—"

The alien grips my skull. With his one free hand, he holds a set of tweezers in front of my eyes, clamping it a few times. He brings the sharp edge close to my pupil.

I kick and drag my heel against the floor. I howl like a weak and wounded animal. "Don't you dare!" I cry.

His arm coils around my neck like an anaconda. "Hold still," he says.

"G-G-Get away from me," I beg.

I spit. I do everything humanely possible to reason with him. There's no stopping these monsters from torturing me.

He inserts the edge into the white of my eyes, popping out the membrane. To get to my eye transplant, he rotates his wrist and digs in further until I feel the suction give way.

It's just a pull and a pop, and the center of the eye comes right out.

There's a reason they put us to sleep before installing them. It's the worst sensation imaginable.

I foam at the mouth, shaking from pain. A gurgled mess of protests leaves my throat, but it only spurs worse treatment. Dry heaving, I clench my fists against my chest and curl up into a ball. I can feel an extreme emptiness inside my socket.

His breath weighs hot against my face as he promptly tosses the transplant to the floor. He holds out his hand for the guard to give him a new one.

"Pretty eyes," he says.

Motionless, I lay against the cool concrete. For the moment, I'm blind in that eye. Drool collects near the side of my mouth.

He clicks the new transplant into my socket. Slowly, my vision comes back to me. The empty sensation goes away.

The alien lifts my head and opens my mouth. I try biting down, but it takes no effort for him to pry my teeth open. The computer analyzes my breath particles, and he swabs the inside of my mouth for good measure.

When he finishes, he smacks my ass.