Page 59 of Alien Mate

The beast turns to me, eyes widening with curiosity. The anger seems to have dissipated, replaced by unusual curiosity.

“Let us go,” I say. “We are not your enemy. Be free.”

The beast clenches his teeth together, noticeably pained. He grunts, “Never free. Always enslaved.”

I nod. Even if this plantation is burned to the ground, there are more of them out there. We don’t have the power to end them all. Earth Federation is far too powerful.

But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to help when we can. Before I met Anna’s innocence, I believed the world was a dark place, full of all types of evils. An ounce of good can change everything.

The beast raises his fist to my skull. I brace for my end. He swings down, and I feel the rush of wind against my face. I close my eyes and think of Anna.

To my surprise, the sound of gunshots rings out. I open my eyes again, astonished I’m still alive. The beast slumps to the floor, and Anna stands above me, wielding the general’s gun. She appears to be in full control of her faculties with no noticeable fear in her eyes.

She drops the gun and runs forward, quickly unzipping the leather body suit that has kept me prisoner for the last twenty-four hours.

When I’m free, I rush to take her in my arms, to hold her. I’ve been dreaming of holding her for so long. I’ve gone through hell and back to find her, and it’s almost unbelievable that we did it. We made it out alive.

I caress her head, tenderly dropping it back for a deep and longing kiss. My tongue snakes around hers, pulls back as my mouth closes around her lips. She is perfect, and I can’t wait to start our family. First things first. We have to get off this doomed planet.

“Anna, you saved my life,” I whisper.

“You’re damn right, I did,” she says with a grin.

I picture her when we first met. She was alone and afraid. She was sick with a degenerative disease, and I wasn’t sure how long she would survive. Though I was the one who healed her fever, she was the one who mended my heart. Looking back on it, it is pretty incredible we made it this far.

“You are big and strong now,” I say.

She kisses me one more time, rolling her hand between my legs, cupping my balls firmly. “Just because I’m tough, doesn’t mean I don’t need a spanking or two.”

I reach around and grab her ass, feeling the soft fat cheeks that cover her holes. My cock starts to grow. “Better make it three,” I growl.

There is nothing I would like more than to rip her panties past her creamy pussy. I fixate on the memory and taste of her wet cunt against my tongue. The smell of her flowery perfume wafts into my nose. It makes my cock drip with absolute lust. It puts me into a fucking frenzy, but I guess now is not the time to drain my seed into every orifice. No, that would be a wrong that would feel too right.

I’ll just have to wait like a good boy...

Behind Anna, Clara waves to get our attention. “Uh, guys? Hate to break up your weird, little make out party, but we got some women to save,” she says.

Anna backs away and clears her throat. “Oh. Yeah,” she says, looking down at the giant dead alien. “What the hell was that thing?”

“Looks like they were planning on releasing some super alien,” I say, grimly.

“Jesus,” Anna whispers. “They’d go that far?”

Clara puts her hand on her shoulder. “Earth Federation is knee deep in the fucked-up,” she says. “It’s time to shut this place down for good.”

Without hesitation, Anna picks up and cocks a gun. “What are we waiting for? Let’s do it.”

Responding the same, Clara grabs a shock prod and blade from one of the dead alien guards. “Ready to rock.”

They both glare at me, so I step over one of the dead generals and pick up my own gun, as well as the keys to the facility, and I march forward, through the door and out of the building. We filter through the center of the facility, toward the outside farm silos that house the pregnant aliens.

“Do we have a plan of attack?” Clara asks.

I try not to laugh. “You mean other than spraying every alien guard with bullets? Sorry, sweetheart. Haven’t thought that far ahead.”

Anna pulls me back and puts her finger against her lips. Delicately, she whispers, “Twelve o’clock. A whole group of Syndicate aliens.”

I’d look, but I can’t stop staring at her perfect tits. The way they balance teases the hell out of me. Even in the center of a battlefield, the woman knows how to keep an alpha’s cock hard.