Page 55 of Alien Mate

“Move, whore,” she commands.

As we walk through the port, the alphas take notice, and stop her in her tracks. “A lone shipment? This is most unusual,” one guard grunts.

Another alien sniffs the air and twists his neck. “Delectable scent,” he says. “Pungent. Smells like she’s carrying.”

The guard’s eyes roll to my belly. “Pregnant?”

Wild smiles form on both of their faces, and other guards of the Syndicate arrive to see the commotion. Before I know it, a crowd has formed to scent me out. Luckily, Clara is a good actress.

She holds me by my leash, yanking on it when she’s got their attention. I fake a shiver. “Slut’s womb is coated with seed. She is pregnant with Kurrek kin,” she says.

A big alien with tumors protruding out of the holes in his armor blinks rapidly. Saliva and mucus hangs from his meaty lips. “A human,” he growls, rolling a finger underneath my chin. “Pretty, pretty porcelain skin...”

Clara shakes her head. “Not just any human. An Earth Federation defect.”

Upon hearing this critical detail, the alphas go insane. They holler loudly and push closer until Clara draws a gun.

“Back away,” she shouts. “I have come to collect the bounty of my prisoner.”

One alien hisses, “You are no Syndicate. We do not take orders from your kind,” he says. “Why shouldn’t we take her for ourselves?”

She pulls me into her chest and drives the barrel of her gun against my temple. “She is much too valuable for me to part with, friends. I will gladly kill her myself if that is what you wish. Of course, then you’ll have to explain to your leaders how it was your fault a prisoner as valuable as mine died.”

Sensing that she’s not full of shit, the aliens back away. One guard points to my notched ear and says, “She is not without ownership. Let her pass. Surely, the leaders will want to see her first. Ignore the rest of these brutes, bounty hunter. Follow me to claim your reward.”

Clara nudges me forward as the rest of the alphas back away, huffing with anger. Instead of walking through the main hall that I originally found myself in, we circumvent the property by going through a side gate.

Outside, I can see three tall silos, near to where the pregnant women were imprisoned. We do not travel in that direction. Instead, we are led through another gate that opens to a large plantation home, lit up by rows of elegant lights. Soft music can be heard coming from inside; the sound of trumpets lightly crying through the closed doorway. Finally, we reach the front entrance.

We stop.

“Wait,” the alien guard says. The alpha knock on the door three times.

As we stand in silence, a small hatch slides open, revealing a set of green eyes. A short and portly blue alien peers out at us. “The party is at capacity,” he says.

The party? I know I’ve only been here once, but I never saw this area. This feels different from the auction. Very different.

I hold my breath as a guard waves me forward. “Look at the bitch. Earth Federation defect. The leaders will want to see her when they learn who she is,” he says.

The blue alien behind the door twitches, nostrils widening. His wrinkles shift, and he becomes noticeably angry. “Who has brought her? I said we are at capacity.”

Clara steps forward and says, “I am the bounty hunter who has brought the defect. She is a high commodity, but I will gladly sell her to someone else if that is what you wish.”

The guard behind the door sniffs one more time. His face shifts. His nostrils stay open. Suddenly, he looks all too pleased to see me. This doesn’t feel right. I think we should back out.

With a calm smile, the blue alien says, “I have never smelled a bounty hunter as fragrant as yourself. If you wish to come inside, you will take off your mask.”

The tension is palpable, and I brace even harder as the guard’s grin widens. A noticeable silence nearly brings tears to my eyes. This was a bad idea based on good intentions, but all I can wonder is if I will see Ax again.

The guard who brought us here growls with intensity. He drives his hand through the hatch, grabbing the blue alien’s throat. Choking him, he barks, “You are wasting all of our time with this nonsense! Who cares about a bounty hunter’s face?”

Other guards run over to gawk as soon as they notice the commotion. The alien crushes the blue guard’s throat, killing him in an instant. The blue alien slumps forward. Suddenly, a gro

up of guards form around him. Judging by the looks in their eyes, they want blood.

A fight ensues between the Syndicate brutes. One guard takes a blade to another alien’s eyes. Another grabs a limb and twists until a very audible snap rings out. They take to biting, ripping, and dismembering.

In their bloodlust, they forget about us.