Page 5 of Alien Mate

I can sense them. Smell them. They are cloaked and somehow resistant to heat analysis. I can't imagine how they designed the technology, but I've heard they’ve stepped up their game.

Suddenly, I hear Clara's breath crackle into my ear. "We've got visuals," Clara says. "Snipers have the go-ahead to take them out."

I wait for the sound of rifle shots to crack into the sky. I wait, but all I hear is thunder.

And then, silence.

"Clara," I whisper. "Where are they?"

I listen as Clara's fingers rapidly type against her command dash. Her breathing becomes noticeably audible and strained.

"Clara, what the fuck," I curse. "Am I in trouble, or not?"

"I...I... they're not responding. I've lost both visual and audio," she says. "Anna, you need to go. Forget the women. Get the hell out of there."

I start to back up, but I don't know which direction to run.

The sound of mud popping underneath large feet startles me. My senses do not betray me. The sound keeps coming my way. It grows and brings a current of wind.

Someone is running toward me. The training simulations didn't prepare me for this. I tense up and pray they pass, but they never let up.

I feel a hand wrap around my shoulders. Feel someone's breath against my ear. Hear a deep growl resonate and tickle my eardrum.

And then I feel the kick that throws me onto the ground. It knocks the wind right out of me. Whatever monster is behind me mounts my back and growls. A deep purr from the back of his throat causes my throat to shut.

"I'll kill you if you scream," he says. “I’ll uproot your spine and turn you into a pile of skin.”

My response is shallow. “Please...”

Shock electrifies the system. Panic. As I come to my senses, a piercing sensation hits the back of my neck. A needle. The fluid drains into my muscle, and my body sucks it up like a dry sponge.

Oh, God. No...

How many times do victims say those words before they are murdered?

My vision turns hazy. His hands are all over me, feeling out every curve, and sniffing violently. He presses his nostrils against my temple and hums a soft tune before laughing.

"Please, don't hurt me," I cry.

Grunting, he pulls away from me and takes off his cloak, so I can see him for who he really is.

A monster. The savage alien slave trader I couldn't stop from killing me. He looks at me like a human might stare at an ant.

He clenches his fist around my hair, pulls back, and thunders. "Human."

"Y-yes, I'm--"

This can't be how it ends. Clara will find me. My team will hunt them down.

This can't be how it ends.


His face is a mask of dominance. Tribal tattoos cover his body. His torso towers over me, rippling muscles as hard as stone. Fabric covers the lower side of his face, but I can see a faint scar behind it.

"You've made a big mistake," he says.

Another alien appears from the shadows. "What are you waiting for? Take the bitch. Shackle her and fuck her brains out."