Page 93 of Alien Bride

We’ll take our days one step at a time.

Tears run down my cheeks. I can’t stop looking at my beautiful baby. Her eyes are a mesmerizing mix of blue, gold, and purple.

My alphas massage my shoulders and back.

“I’m so proud of you,” Rekker whispers.

Lök chokes up. “We really made something special, didn’t we?”

“We did,” I say.

Vraik comes around to my side and wipes his eyes dry. “You’re the strongest woman I know.”

My mom is astonished. “It’s a girl,” she says. “Oh my goodness.”

Our baby is covered in the most beautiful turquoise scales I have ever seen.

She is the most unique creature I have ever laid eyes on, and the love I feel is

so overwhelming I’m not sure how to cope.

The alphas carry me out of the tub, carefully cleaning the baby and I before carrying me to the bedroom.

I lay down to rest. “Her name is Paloma,” I say.

“Paloma,” Rekker repeats. “I like that.”

Night turns to day. Day turns to night. After about a week of lying in bed, I feel a little stir-crazy.

Once I feel ready enough to get back on my feet, I turn to my mom for a day of real rest.

Well, I’m not sure rest is the right word to use. More like intense loving with my alphas.

It’s difficult to be away from my baby, even for a second, but we haven’t had much time to dive back into what we had.

They want to celebrate.

Blindfolding me, they lead me into their craft. Using the hyperdrive feature, they fly toward an undisclosed location.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask.

I can feel the mothercraft slow to a stop. Lök lowers and removes the blindfold from my eyes.

Outside the window is a purple nebula, a grand display of star-death.

A single tear runs from my eye. “It’s so beautiful,” I whisper.

The alphas stand together.

Vraik grins. “It’s yours,” he says.

“What?” I ask.

Slowly, they come toward me. They touch my body, delicately. “Yours,” Lök repeats.

“We found it for you,” Rekker adds. “It was undiscovered until now.”

“I don’t know what to say,” I murmur.