At first, I didn’t know how to take it. It hurt, and I felt a level of shame wash over me. “Take it,” he grumbled. “You know you want more.”

I didn’t know, but I found myself moaning because I truly did want to please him. I couldn’t imagine a life alone, without any woman’s care or warmth, without even the scent of a female. I let them take all of my holes because I loved them and their story. I wanted to give them everything they needed to take down Zane.

I gave myself over to their dark side, and I listened to every grunt they made, every moan of twisted satisfaction. And I loved every second of it.

“More,” I snarled. “Masters, give me more.”

I felt warm and my pussy clenched tighter. Soon, my body hummed with delight. I rose, higher and higher, consumed by their intense love. This time, they did not stop. Pushing deeper, searching my wildest fantasies, I felt them inside me. We were connected by this place, and it brought us even closer.

I begged and pleaded for them to take hold of every bit of me, but there was none left to claim.

“Is this what you crave, baby?” In the darkness, every breath was taken as one, and all was laid out for them to consume. Every last part of me, until I felt myself disappear, claimed by men who had yielded to their savagery.

“I’ll give you what you want,” Donovan said as he picked up the pace.

Cadmar slithered his fingers onto my tongue, expanding my mouth. I closed my lips over him and collapsed, broken and nearly bred. Taken until the very last drop. He smacked my cheeks, squeezed, and brought me to his level, smiling. “What do you want from us?”

I wasn’t one to think negatively. But every time they thrust away from me, I knew there was a chance all of this could end in seconds. There was a chance Zane had already found a way out, had already found a way to implode this place dry like a vacuum. Everything could go away in an instant, so I wanted to give myself to them 100 percent.

“Fill me,” I said.

Deep, masculine groans filled the tent.

“Sweet, Adeline,” Cadmar whispered.

“Give me your bond. Your one promise of trust,” I said. “Take me. Breed me. Make me pregnant.”

All of my heart and soul came dripping out onto the bare tent. Hearts pounding against my body, I felt their cocks swell and undulate. I leaned my head back and took them. My jaw dropped to my chest. This was it. This is what it felt like to have a breathtaking orgasm with someone you love. Only, this time, it was three—and you’d better believe I cherished every second of it.

Every part of my body buzzed like it was about to explode. My mind fixated on the delicate rush of ultimate pleasure. And then I was in that place, the treasured sunken place I never usually let people see. I couldn’t control anything. I was frozen from the blast of ecstasy. It rolled in like waves, and the feeling in my limbs came and went. I was dripping like a ripened fruit, drenching the floor of the tent like it had just rained above us.

I crash landed. Coming. Never letting up. Coming... so... hard...

They broke through me with thunderous roars. Their bodies tensed and seized around my hips, fighting for space around mine. I pushed back as I could, begging them with my longing whimpers. “Never leave.”

It was as hardcore as it was passionate, the way love should be. There were no excuses to steer away from it. I laid myself bare for them, wide open and quivering. For them, I was a different woman than I was before I got here. And right now, they were the men they’d dreamt of being for so long. In the morning, that would probably disappear as they had warned me earlier, but I had them now, for real.

I set them free.

They groaned, fingers digging into me as I shook across the tent floor. I could feel their cocks swell in each hole, ready to burst. Their movements slowed, and their speech turned into sounds an ape might make.


My voice rang out like the cold wind on an extra cold day. For them, it was the final nail in the coffin. Their seed jetted deep inside my cavities, firmly compacted by the last thrusts they could give. They were determined to go all the way and put a baby in me, and, without thinking about right and wrong, I wanted them to. Hot white cum spurted until I was absolutely full of their essence.

In that moment of our vulnerable connection, Mag huffed out a sigh of relief and said exactly what I needed to hear. “Whatever happens, we’re in this together now. As long as you’ll have us, we’ll never leave your side.”

For a long time, we lay on the tent floor. I gazed at the weathered tarp, still unable to grasp how this dimension was connected to ours. It wasn’t Earth. No, not by a long shot. It sure wa

sn’t my laboratory in Washington D.C. It was something unexplainable, a terrain developed by Cadmar and his own team of scientists. But not every creation was worth keeping around. Every human captive was worth freeing, beastly and savage or not. It did not matter to me. We all deserved a real life.

That night, they curled against me, sleeping like a pack of wolves around me so I could gather their warmth during the onslaught of wind that naturally swept through this valley. We talked about the old world, and how it used to be so easy. Well, easy wasn’t the best word for it, but they’d at least lived with purpose. They hadn’t experienced the rise of mega-corporations, dealt with the implications of new technology. They could hardly understand what the Internet was and meant for society.

Of course, the grass is always greener. I yearned to go back in time and live inconspicuously with the knowledge I had now. They wanted the opposite. A world that gave freedom of choice. A world of luxury and a sense of ease. They didn’t understand just how much we had to fix, but it was fun to think about a future in which we could exist with one another. It was all I wanted now.

As I closed my eyes, I tried to remember the phrase I had taught myself to say if I ever felt like I might fall into another vision. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember it. Instead, I just kept whispering, “I love you.”

They fell asleep before I could, and I spent a lot of time thinking about how my final fight with Zane might go. I wanted it to be cordial. Fat chance. He would cut me off if he got the opportunity. That thought alone kept me awake.