I parted my lips. He smelled divine, deep and masculine. His touch was heavy and commanding. “I don’t think I do,” I admitted.

His lips hovered over mine. “But you wish to know... everything?”

I choked. He had me there. My curiosity was a sin beyond all sins. I made a life around the declaration that it healed me. Truthfully, it created a void within my soul. There wasn’t a time I didn’t want to know more, and that very same philosophy had led me here.

“Yes,” I said.

Lifting my chin higher, he chuckled. “Open that pretty mouth, buttercup.”

It was already open. He knew that. But I opened it wider and wider until I let out my tongue. He ran his thumb over the soft spongy muscle and groaned, cock starting to rise into the air near my thighs.

I reached down and lightly brushed the side of my hand against the shiny crown. A bead of lubricant dripped out, and he growled with even deeper satisfaction.

Breathing faster, he cradled the back of my head. Our lips met in the heat of the darkness. The first taste was sweet like red wine, but the second was even better. My pussy flooded with desire as his tongue slid over mine. I tasted him and breathed in his woodsy scent.

He jerked forward, bringing my chest against his. The low rumble tickled my body. My heart pounded inside of my ears as I kissed him, endlessly. After what felt like an eternity, he released me and chuckled.

I swallowed, panting. “Like that?” I asked him.

“You are obedient. Yet, you act defiant,” he said.

I bit my lip and shifted back. “Yeah, well, my life is a long and complex story no one needs to hear about.”

“Do you think we are gods?”

I shook my head, but I had no idea what they were. “I think you have certain abilities we don’t. I don’t claim to know what you are, but I’m intrigued.”

Again, he laughed. “We are not gods, nor are we aliens. Those who enter the gateway come searching for the answers, but they get nothing from me.” When I looked away from him with confusion, he brought my chin back with his finger. “You are right. We have… abilities. I know you. I can taste every experience you have been through. Your memories are painful, but so are most.”

I drew closer to him, intrigued by what he was saying. I had felt Cadmar searching through me on first contact, but I wasn’t quite sure what it meant. Now, it was obvious. They had adapted in a way no other animal had. They had speech, predatory behavior, and they had been able to use the realm’s supernatural qualities to their advantage.

He continued, voice low and quiet. “I have been injured. My senses aren’t what they are supposed to be. I believe I’m...” He stopped himself from finishing the sentence, but I worried he might severely hurt.

“Dammit, Zane,” I whispered. Maybe it was insane for me to care, but he did look injured, and I felt like it was my duty to tend to him. I put my hand against his clavicle and pushed lightly. “Lie down. I’ll take care of you.”

“You don’t understand,” he rumbled. “You have betrayed us and yourself by bringing him in here. He is not to be trusted.”

“Who, Zane?” I tried not to snort with laughter. “Trust me. He’s harmless. The only reason he came was to earn a couple of bucks from my mom. Now, I’m serious. Lie back.”

In this weakened state, the beast acted entirely different. There wasn’t the same hunger or rage in his eyes. I noticed them sag with melancholy. None of us asked for life, and I was sure it was the same way for creatures like him. He was trapped here, made to be a monster and pariah.

He relaxed and lay down. I leaned forward and looked at his masculine body. He looked so much like us humans. It was pretty miraculous. The only difference was the sheer size and the fact he seemed to have triple the muscle mass. I had so many questions to ask, but I wanted to gain his and their trust. Unlike Zane, I was also an outcast. I was someone they could confide in.

I wrinkled my forehead and left my mouth open enough for him to see the rest of the soft throne of my tongue. Heat swept through me, and I could hardly even bear to converse.

These... monsters. They were so much like us. They spoke and felt like us. They even looked like us. In some of the stories I was told, they were men who appeared as giant bird-like creatures. Others spoke of tall humanoids swiping through the tall trees. I even heard tales of a new breed of alien taking full control of a few tribal people. In the end, the stories weren’t all that different.

“You laughed earlier,” I said, starting to massage his powerful chest. “That means you feel. Like me.”

He relaxed and nodded solemnly. “Wasn’t a laugh.”

My smile remained fixed. “What was it then? A chuckle?”

“I’m not the one to turn gushy. You want sentimentality? You can speak to Cadmar or Donovan for that.”

“And your name is? You still haven’t mentioned it,” I said.

“Magnus. Friends call me Mag.”