Silence. Complete silence.

Guilt washed over me. I could have taken him, could have torn out his spinal column with one hand. But I was distracted by her sheer beauty and sex appeal. She had a perfectly thick figure, curvy, soft, and luscious enough to satisfy multiple beasts.

Judging by the measurements of her frame, her pussy would fit tight around our cocks. All of those factors were tantalizing, but I should have eliminated any threat to her person. I failed.

She was ovulating. I could scent that out easily, and, within an hour’s time, I was sure to do it again with ease. Cadmar had found the right breed of woman, all right. Her soaking panties would be a joy to tear through. She was perfect for us.

My only prayer was Zane didn’t get to her first.



“Don’t. Move,” Zane whispered.

He forced his hand over my mouth, pulling me into his chest. I hated being this close to him again. I couldn’t stop thinking about the monsters lurking within the forest’s depths. The obsessive lust and hunger they exuded frightened me.

In the moment, it was hard to know whether they wanted to kill me or fuck me. Every muscle in his body bulged and flexed as he sized me up.

I knew what he wanted. Strangely, I wanted it, too. I could see him for what he was. Giant and masculine. Alien, yet humanoid and handsome. His strength was like no other. This one was clearly a fighter, and I had no doubt in my mind he was the one to kill that doctor.

I didn’t care. I still wanted him. I only recoiled because I didn’t expect to see another so soon.

Throughout my paralyzing fear, my pussy edged to the thought of him pouncing on me and pulling me into his powerful hold. I grew wet as the slow pull of the seconds flying by led him closer to me.

He was going to take me. If he didn’t kill me, it would prove what I had been thinking all along was right. It was possible for something so wild, atrocious, and savage to love a human.

Zane stopped me from getting any closer to them. He stepped in and ruined my connection to the beasts, as well as this realm. Was he just trying to save my life? Maybe. But I was fairly certain he was doing it for his own selfish reasons.

As soon as I heard those terrible cries, my heart shattered. At times, he was capable of being so sweet, but there was always an agenda behind everything he did.

At this point, there was no scientific reasoning behind my feelings. I could have been out of my depth. Maybe I was facing a natural-born killer, an untamable monster born to take, rut, and kill every beautiful woman who entered through the gateway. If believing the opposite were ignorant or naive, I would have to live with that. Or die. Still, I was sure those screams would haunt me for decades.

Zane brought me close enough for me to feel more uncomfortable than I did around that unnatural creature. His grip on me was disorienting and unsettling. I managed to nudge away from him while keeping my movements quiet. Although I wanted to come across that towering mass again, I didn’t want to see Zane killed. As much as he bothered me, he wasn’t a killer. He was just a douchebag.

It might have also been fair to mention I wasn’t sure how I could actually take a monster like that. His body wasn’t the only thing big. Growing hard before me was his cock. Could it even be called that? It was practically a fucking sword.

The crown of his head extended past his thick foreskin. A pulsating and terrifyingly massive rod rose into the darkness, dripping pearly beads of lubricant. His balls were as big as my fists. Veins coursing, he let out his roar, terrifying me.

I’d need to take my time with this one.

The minutes dragged on, the forest filled with the buzzing of silence. Occasionally, the wind would whip against the trees, but the beast was gone. I stood up and walked back into the clearing.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Zane whispered.

I ignored him and walked back to where he had chased me. His gigantic hand and footprints were wonderfully preserved by the soil. I stooped to get a better look and even thought to take a sample, but something else caught my attention. Something glimmering. A blade.

I didn’t dare touch it. A sigil or some type of initial had been crudely woven into the center of the handle. M. It wasn’t mine to wield, and I had a feeling he didn’t mean to leave it behind. Zane must have injured him enough to drop it.

Before Zane could stand and see what I was doing, I pulled out my handkerchief and quickly bagged the blade. My body tensed as I heard him stop behind me.

“Addie, what the fuck is going on with you?”

I swallowed hard but toughened up my resolve. Turning to face him, I took his sweaty palm and raised it. “You see this? These fingers? They weren’t made to touch things in this realm, so keep your hands in your pocket like a good boy.”

He took his hand back and frowned. “You can thank me later for saving you,” he scoffed.

A sudden rush of anger swept through me. I couldn’t bite my tongue hard enough to hold back my concern. “Can’t you take my feelings into account this one time?”