When the elevator door opened, the hazy glow of the lobby appeared. I walked to the door and shook the handle. It was locked, but I knew what to do. Cadmar passed on the information through his touch. His memories were my memories.

I jammed the ancient key into the lock, and my heart sent tight jolts of excitement as I heard the loud metallic click. The door opened, and I could see the forest. A green light emanated from the dense center. It was a sparkling display of beauty. I had to know what it was.

I sucked in a deep breath and looked Zane dead in the eye. “Whether we like it or not. We all get hurt.”



I woke when I heard the bright and melancholy song of the siren. Someone had come through the entrance. I searched and found the human then did what I was accustomed to do. I scoured through every memory and feeling of experience, and I took as much as I needed from her soul. When I was done, I appeared back in the outside world, inside the small tent we had lived in for ages. The feeling of shifting through and against time unsettled me, but it happened quite often.

I stared at the bit of open sky, the rip in the center where she had come through. The portal had been opened. Our hunt had begun.

A shiver ran through me, followed by an ache and general longing. I’d had a different life before I had this one. Too fucking different. But this was a new day, and every modern sensation came rushing into me. Every human need, desire, and hope tore through me until incredible pain shook our tent.

I clenched my fist tightly, experiencing human suffering on the deepest level imaginable. I twisted my neck to try and wrest the visions away, but I wouldn’t be able to shut my eyes for another lifetime. She had entered our realm. She called for us, practically begging to be taken. And now, I couldn’t shake the rage of existence away.

We lived for no one. Once, we lived for everything. The sight of that woman made me go insane with lust. Her smell. Her fucking perfect body. The way she looked at my cock in silent wonder. I needed to consume her, had no other option.

She feared our very being, but her curiosity was too strong. She was right to have some fear. There were two sides to us. Good and evil, as the humans might have seen it. But morality didn’t mean as much to us. We were those lower beings’ gods. At least, here we fucking were. We balanced the tides of both light and dark.

The hunger I felt for her was enraging. It had been an eternity since I had any cunt to fuck. How I longed to experience it again.

I was awake. I could move. I could feel the power of my masculinity once more.

“The entrance,” I said, pointing at the sky.

Magnus’s large body darted up, and he let out an enraged roar. He was an actual warrior and loyal to the bone. Salivating, he grew rigid with unabashed hunger. “She’s here. I can smell her.”

My third, Donovan sniffed at the air, nostrils expanding to get in more. His eyes widened with satisfaction. “Cadmar. You have seen her?”

My cock throbbed. After playing with the pet, I found the darkest delights inside her. She had managed to subdue her worst desires for decades, but all of that would change. I had given her more than just a scar to wear forever. I’d shared memories with her. Not all of them, but enough to keep her wanting more. We’d connected.

Soon, she would beg and bow her head in submission to the forces that have guided her into this world. She would come to know our sex as the deepest fusing of the souls known to this universe and the next.

This transference could only occur through self-sacrifice. Pain. Domination. Her total and complete submission.

“I have spent some time with her, but I spared her pussy my rut,” I said.

“But you got a taste?” Donovan asked.

“That I did,” I said, leaving out the details.

My counterparts huffed and growled like beasts. Magnus stood and searched the tent for the opening. When he couldn’t find it, he ripped through the edge and breathed impatiently. “ I need her. Now.”

“She does not see us for what we are.” I remembered her fear.

“They never do,” Donovan put in. “We are but horrifying monsters to the outside world, but the women are always quick to share.”

“She will see us as we are once we claim her for good,” Magnus said.

“This one is different.” I was still half-lost in the pulling dream of her memories. “She worries me. Somebody followed her in here.”

“Impossible,” Magnus protested.

I followed the energy of their entrances as soon as I heard the call. I was taken to his room. But my eyes were blinded from sleep. My senses were dull, and the madness had yet to wash away. I knew at once I had to kill him, but he got away.

“Possible. Not probable,” Donovan muttered.