Page 37 of His Hostage

“Jeffco’s right,” Andy chimes in. “First chance she gets, she’s running to the cops. Fuck that nonsense. I say we put a bullet in her head.”

“Both of you, hold your damn horses and keep your hands to yourselves. You don’t kill her until you have my permission. Got it?”

I stand my ground hard and grab my pistol so they know who is boss.

I’ve been doing this thing for a long time now. Their crew is rather new, compared to the High Priests, and they get half of their product from us. They may be throwing me a bone by giving me some money and a job every now and then, but I own these bastards. Once I’m back home, I’ll get my throne back, and they know it.

“Fine,” Jeffco sighs. “We’ll do it your way. But I’m not coming out here every damn day for more than a week. After that, we’re deciding what to do.”

“Deal,” I put out my hand and they both take turns shaking it.

Caroline comes out from the bushes and stands before us. She’s polite as all hell. She doesn’t make any attempt at running away or talking back. She just stands there, waiting for them to throw her back in the hole.

“You’re doing the right thing,” she finally says, when Jeffco grabs her arms.

“Shut up, woman,” Jeffco says.

It pains me that I can’t knock him in the face for talking to her like that, but I’ll get my revenge, eventually.

“I just mean, I would have done the same thing. I saw too much. You need to protect yourselves. I understand,” she says.

He leads her to the entrance below and climbs down with her. He chains her up, leaving food, water, and the necessities. “Just stay down here and keep obedient, and you’ll be fine,” he says.

He’s lying to her. I know that much.

It’s all just a psychological test now. The funny thing is, Caroline is winning it, and they have no idea.

She’s the good girl, telling them they’re doing everything right, like they should. Eventually that shit sinks in. At least, she’s hoping it will.

She gives me a wink, and I feel my cock twitch a little. Damn, she’s feisty and resilient as all hell. She’d make a good partner back home.

Anyway, I’m getting a little ahead of myself. I’ve got a home that needs some fixing up. I don’t care if the Hunters know where I’m living. It’s not like I sleep anyway.

The three of us turn around and head back to our cars. “See you later,” I tell them.

“Why don’t you get a drink?” Jeffco asks.

“I don’t want to be complacent,” I tell him. “When those Hunters come into town, I want to be ready.”

I cock my pistol and roll out of there with enough speed to create a dust devil.



Just live a little…

Maybe I didn’t write the book on living large, but I’m not sure if being thrown into a hole is the equivalent.

At this point, I don’t know how to feel. Sometimes I feel angry. Other times I feel heartbroken. I’m being held captive by some insane bikers, and the only way out seems to be through Rowan. Even then, I’m not so sure he can set me free.

Last night was something else. Every time I think about it, it sends chills through my body. I know I’m doing the wrong thing.

My brain keeps screaming at me, “What the hell are you doing, Caroline? Get away from that man.”

But it’s just not that easy for me.

People can judge all they want. Sure, I had a bad marriage. Big fucking deal. Who hasn’t had one of those in this day and age? This is something different.