Page 28 of His Hostage



Everyone turns to stare at me. “I’m leaving,” I repeat. “I’m sorry. I just can’t be here for this.”

“You aren’t going anywhere,” Jeffco says, standing in front of the porch. “Like hell, you’re leaving.”

“Get out of my way,” I whisper. “I want to pack my things.”

“You just witnessed three murders. You know our names and where we live. For all we know, you’re an informant. You ain’t going anywhere, lady. Now, I’m sorry. That’s just how it’s going to be,” he says.

I turn to Rowan and beg, “Please. Tell them I can leave, Rowan. You know I won’t say anything, right?”

Rowan shrugs. “Now’s not the time. I’m sorry,” he says.

“I’m sorry I have to even bring this up, but you know the rules, Rowan,” Jeffco says.

“Yeah, I do. I was hoping she’d shut up before you asked me to bring them up,” he says.

His eyes fall on me, and though they look a little regretful, I can tell I’m not going to like what he’s about to say.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “But we can’t let you leave. You’re an outsider. You’ve seen far too much.”

“What are you telling me, Rowan? You can’t keep me here. That would be illegal,” I say, sounding completely naïve to these bandits.

“It’s all illegal,” Andy says.

The men enclose on me, but Rowan puts his hands up to stop them.

“I got this, guys,” he says. “You’re coming with me. I’m sorry, baby.”

He grabs my arm and pulls me lightly to his car, opening the back door and setting me in. The rest of the guys join, and I’m effectively sandwiched in between the two bastards.

“Let me go,” I say, feeling my throat close up with fear. “Please, I won’t say anything!”

“Shut the hell up,” Jeffco says. “I’ve heard all the lines before. Once they’re free, they always talk. It’s just a fact of life. We’re not about to let you ruin everything we’ve worked so hard to get.”

Live a little. I can hear Rowan’s voice telling me that over and over again now. It’s like some sick joke I can’t get away from. I can’t believe I thought he was even the smallest amount of attractive.

He turns to me now, eying me carefully. “I’d suggest you play along with what we tell you to do. Otherwise, these guys might be forced to hurt you,” he says.

All three men are looking at me, and I feel the pressure start to build. The foundations of my life are completely wrecked now. I don’t know where to go, who to trust, or what to do. It seems like everywhere I run, there’s trouble.

This is worse than trouble. This is hopelessness.

When we reach an area in the desert, they pull me through a shelter door that’s situated on the ground, hidden from everything.

Dust flies up, and inside it smells like metal. “Put her in, Rowan,” Andy says.

“Don’t,” I whisper. “I trusted you.”

Andy and Jeffco don’t look so nice anymore. They look plain evil.

Rowan, on the other hand, has a regretful gleam in his eyes. He searches around me, as if he’s finding a way out, but nothing comes to fruition.

He doesn’t say a word. Instead, he leads me into the darkest room below the earth.

Inside is a bed mattress, but that’s it. He chains me to the wall, and I’m left without a shred of any hope in the world.