“The oceans are drying up,” she whispered, voice parched. “The forests are burning. The deserts are spreading. What are we doing making love like this?”

Severin attempted to nudge her hips forward, but she resisted his grip and wrestled away from him. It didn’t matter, anyway. His cock had turned into a limp mess of wormy flesh. He couldn’t perform even if he wanted to.

Severin scooted his ass off of the dresser and pushed her to the floor. Feigning being the victim, he let out a hurried cry and pouted his lips. “Dammit!” he yelled. “Why must you always behave like a child?”

Ruby visibly held her breath, which immediately pissed him off. There was no love between them. They had won the war together, but the more hours they spent ruling, the more they came to resent each other. Ruby stayed with him because she knew he would gladly take the fall for what she did to Rae. They both needed her troubled sister, even if they weren’t willing to admit it yet.

“It’s true, though. Isn’t it?” Ruby asked.

Severin yanked up his pants and fastened his belt tight around the waist “Oh God. This is about Rae, isn’t it? You’re mad because of the coronation ceremony. Well, it had to happen. The people loved it. The approval ratings are through the roof. Now, all we need is a new set of policies. Something even more inspiring than the transformation of Dagon. I’ll leave that to you.”

She faced the other way. “Answer me, Severin.”

He had no time for her games, so he pretended not to understand her childish questions. “Okay, I’ll budge. For you, only. Now, what were you saying about the oceans?”

“They are drying up. Am I correct? I think I was told this fact in one of the briefings earlier this week,” she said.

“They are not drying up. Whoever told you that lied to your face and should be executed for his crimes,” he said.

Ruby dropped back and fell onto the ruffled mattress and spread her legs open in the process. Her stomach folded over her pelvis like a small pouch. “Then, educate me, Commander. I’m just a stupid little girl,” she mocked.

Severin rolled his eyes and cleared his throat. “The icecaps have nearly melted. It will only be a few years until this land is flooded.”

Ruby nodded her head as if she already knew. The air was getting warmer. Nearly all of the crops had to be moved into artificially lit buildings. She was made in a laboratory, just like her twin. After the first fall of the republic, industry fell into disarray. They lost great technologies, but they had somehow managed to keep going. More work was to be done, but where was the world truly heading?

“I know what you’re thinking,” Severin said.

“Oh, really? You do know everything.”

Severin nodded and smiled. He adored seeing her in this state of unease. “You’re thinking about Rae again. We have disabled the breeding programs. You don’t have to worry about the clones. It was a failed pursuit, regardless.”

“Allow me to deal with her. A woman is better at concentrating her efforts on multiple tasks,” she said.

“You should get some rest,” he replied.

“The military’s numbers have been dwindling since the restoration. There is so much planning to be done, and you’re leaving the state in a weakened position. What if they rise up again? Who will come to our aid?”

Biting his tongue, Severin sat next to her. He knew when to be analytical and when to shut the fuck up. At least, he thought he did. In the present moment, she was on the brink of another breakdown. He could always tell when she asked too many questions. If they kept on the subject for too long, the room would turn into a disaster. The state’s success would come toppling down like glossy dominoes.

“There, there. Stop worrying about your sister,” he soothed. His fingers trickled like gentle raindrops across the back of her arm. Even when she pulled away, she seemed to look to him to continue speaking his praises. “You are perfect the way you are, Ruby… You are as beautiful as the desert sunset. Remember when I found you?”

“You raised me thinking I could give you heirs,” she said. “And now that I can’t, you are dissatisfied with me.”

She dropped her eyes toward the sagging lips between her legs and almost immediately looked away, eyes shining with tears. “Oh, I hate this wretched body of mine! I hate, hate, hate it! Why couldn’t I have been an alpha? I would have dominated the world faster than Cassian. I would have enslaved every last woman and had them lapping at my balls like tormented kittens!”

“Enough!” Severin yelled, more masculine than his usual tone. “I am sick to death of hearing about your troubles. You have the world in your hands. It’s time to lead.”

Ruby stood up and coughed politely. She took in unhurried and cautious breaths. When she reached a chest near her bed, she knelt and opened it. Inside were thousands of jewels, gold necklaces and rings as well as thick stacks of paper money.

“Without the ability to procreate, time means nothing to me,” she muttered.

Severin knew what would come next. He watched as she ripped every last jewel from the tightly woven silver and gold. She hurled the polished rings at the window, sending them crashing through the glass. Quickly grabbing a lighter before Severin could restrain her, she lit the wads of cash on fire and cackled as the flames ate the center insignia of their newly founded coalition, Rae’s beautiful, doll-like face.

“Stop!” Severin dragged her arms behind her back. He restrained her on the carpet and breathed heavily as the adrenaline coursed through his veins. “You bitch.

Do you see what you do to me? Every single time we have a discussion… every time I show you an ounce of love… all you wish to do is fight!”

“Didn’t you train me to be a soldier? Didn’t you wake me up in the early hours to rape me before setting my sights on the wicked Ouroboros traders? You trained me well, comrade, but I see right through you. You are no activist.”