No safe words were needed, and no tears were shed. Eight eyes locked in a circle of rage, fear, and a wildfire of lust. When the emotions connected, a rhythm appeared.

“Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t—”

She had been obliterated. Every part of her sanity just torn to bits. Coming. Fucking coming until it all left her body like leaves from a molting tree. That’s all she was, growing green and scattering bodies carrying critters’ souls.

Now, she knew what the hunt meant. Now, she understood what men were and needed to be. Everything had been set in stone, and she wanted nothing to change. No matter the pain, no matter the pleasure, she could think of no other way of living. Suffering was merely part of life.


She was lost without it.

The affection built from her stomach, flowing throughout her pelvis. The world made her tight, but her desire loosened her back to a natural state of honesty and openness. Soon, Vash entered as a third, and she was full again.

Revelation after revelation left her scrambling between them. The alphas took and claimed her, but it was not enough to settle them. They picked up speed and drove into her as a drill might search for oil, but when her slick was tasted, used, and consumed, she begged them for the final act.

“Give me your seed, alphas,” she exhaled and purred, stoically. “And knot me like you mean it.”

It was a command the alphas were willing to succumb to. Her body had been ravaged, broken, and made inert. As she lay across the rocky lining of the cave, she found enough energy inside of her to turn around and bend over as a display, as an icon of sexuality and prowess.

The men circled Rae’s ass before diving into it one last time. She seized onto the jagged holds of rock, growing more and more wet with each hard thrust. They choked, gagged, and pulled at every visible body part. When she heard their shallow breathing and felt their clammy palms loosen, she knew the ending was near, but she didn’t want to give in to the twist.

It was every alpha’s fear to end up alone. The fear could cause a man to construct his own prison. Cassian was like this, and, in different ways, Severin matched his stupidity. These alphas were different. They were able to learn, but they still knew how to fuck a woman, still knew how to come correctly and give back enough for the omega to beg for more.

Their orgasms were the cure to the world’s ills. Their leaders drove their anger to new unknown peaks until they merely wished to explode. For one second, they got to obliterate themselves. One second and they could kneel down in communion with their omega. They could bathe in her spiritual glow, use her slick as holy water, and the seed they stored was the detail that needed to be noticed most, even if it was excessive.

At the end of it all, they could smile and be pleasant. So much strife for one moment of freedom…

The men’s muscles tightened as a collective unit. Rae felt their cocks expand. A slow and coarse rumble seemed to leave their throats dry. The release seemed painful at first, as years of trauma were stored within them. She opened her eyes and connected with them, also losing her balance in the world of pain. The pleasure rose with an undeniable pressure until…

“Oh, fuck, honey,” Killian eased the words from the bottom of his husky tone.

Vash’s head lurched forward, bowing against the ultimate might of orgasm. The real god of the world was something inside of that, but they could never quite figure it out.

“So much seed,” Vash said.

Lucas bit his lip before falling under again. The heavy spell of sex had overcome them all. “Open and receive us, Precious…”

Their flow of hot seed spilled against her walls. Her ass and pussy invited every burst of pure

white and viscous fluid. Her lips quivered as her own orgasm tore her consciousness to pieces. Yes, they gave her all she could take, but the men must have been overwhelmed by the amount she could give back to them.

She pushed her ass high into the air, slowly inching over their bobbing cocks. Lucas pulled out, dribbling more semen onto her used flesh. Lost in a trance, he shoved it inside her pussy, watching adamantly as her asshole gaped and pooled up cum.

Lovingly open, she felt their cocks expand for the knotting to begin. Her elastic walls opened and stretched to inhuman proportions. Still, they pumped her good and would not let up. As her orgasm overtook her, the alpha’s knots coiled from their crowning heads. The men themselves were hunched and rigid, as if rigor mortis had just set in. However, once their heads shot upward and their eyes rolled back, the knots took control of her insides, swimming into her cunt as if she were not human.

She needed to realize one thing: the natural world was a twisted serpent, hell-bent on taking the last of her soul. With a roar, their knots perverted and searched as a triple helix, latching when they found her core. For the first time, their minds connected on the deepest level imaginable. Despite their bodily limitations, they became one entity, the alpha-omega.

She hadn’t felt such strength before. It was as if she could picture her destiny, even reach out and touch it. Everything seemed easier. All they had to do was trust in the process. Soon enough, they would be with their children. Then the world would be theirs. They would be the ones to mend it.

Rae opened her eyes as the alphas staggered back, cocks in their hands. “Fuck,” she groaned. “What just happened?”

Killian swallowed and nearly collapsed against the wall. “I’m… I’m not sure,” he said.

“We are connected,” Vash said.

The other alphas were as dazed as him, but Vash’s face was caked with beads of sweat. He appeared confused, and an apology soon came. “I’m sorry for leaving you. All of you. At the time, I thought it was the right thing to do. Now, I’m not so sure. In the end, is our current torment not my fault?”

“Stop,” Rae said. “Everything aligned for us to meet again. It does not matter anymore.”