“The queen… I just can’t make sense of anything anymore,” Killian remarked. “Maybe I’m getting old, but the only thing I seem to give a fuck about is taking her from behind.”

Vash breathed loudly. “Don’t get me started. I’m so horny I just might kill the next man I see.”

“Keep it together, brothers,” Lucas muttered. “We’ll find her soon enough. And when we do, we’ll get to worship her warm hole for as long as we want.”

“Sounds like heaven,” Killian said.

Killian’s confusion didn’t just come from the women gaining access to certain jobs. He could accept a certain amount of changes, and even appreciate the omega’s new level of freedom. She had proved herself to be a loyal and worthy fighter, and he was positive that would reflect onto how she mothered their children. He’d never enjoyed the burden of being trapped in a system that put his life in danger on a day-to-day basis. This, however, felt different.

The city was perfect, the people were less apt to violent confrontation, and the buildings were built to last. It made him think about his parents. It made him wonder if he could’ve had a different life if they had still been alive to raise him. But it didn’t make any sense to dwell on painful.

As the pack leader typed in the last digits of the key code, his expression changed from excitement to fear. Instead of finishing the sequence, he paused and exhaled sharply.

“What is it?” Lucas asked.

“This isn’t going to be easy,” he said. “It’s been over two years. I just want to make sure your hearts are still in it.”

Killian swung his rifle over his shoulder and stood upright. He didn’t feel like a soldier anymore, but that was okay. He wasn’t a privately employed killer. He was merely one small piece of his woman, Rae. Our goddess.

Killian painfully recalled every moment alone in his cell. He thought about her so much that he must have gone over every strand of her amber hair in his mind’s eye twice. He longed for her smell, and he needed to give her his deep thrusts. Most of all, he waited for the day they could be a family again. “Strange. I live to serve her...”

In the past, he would have kept this to himself, but now that he valued honesty, it was something he would admit readily. If anyone disagreed with his emotional sentiments, he would shove a bullet in their ass.

“You and I both,” Lucas said. “I can still smell her. I can taste the sweetness of her pussy. I can feel her tight walls give way to us. I need her now more than I ever have.”

Vash closed his eyes, even seemed to whisper a prayer before punching in that last number. When the code was complete, a green light flashed, and a pleased tone chimed, followed by the swift depressurizing noise of the latches releasing. Carefully, he opened the door and squinted through the near blinding bright light.

The first thing that hit Killian’s senses was the abhorrent smell. All three of them dropped back and covered their noses with their palms and dirty shirts.

“Fuck!” Lucas hissed. “What do they keep down there, zoo animals?”

As their eyes adjusted to the light, the men dropped into a room. Killian expected to see a vast sanctuary—a place where a

ll of mankind could gather for the greater good. What he found was the complete opposite.

There were endless rows of bodies—alpha men who gaped in horror and shock. Noises—horrible noises.

Hunched forward, their bodies were made to grow inferior. Their skin was riddled with lesions and purulent boils. Their wrists were bound with circular cuffs, and large spikes had been driven in to their palms and insteps and left.

Some of the men had already passed on. Dead and covered with writhing insects, the vessels waited to be cleaned by the next crew. There must have been thousands of them. It was unclear, but the rows extended down into what could only be described as pure hell. The ground had been carved out in a complex manner, spiraling downward like a nautilus shell. Down and down, the rows went, infinite and pure just like the universe.

Then there was the deal with the smell. That rotting, moldy, and preserved scent of life… it was cum, blood and so much worse. Castration. Pain that should never be spoken about. Buckets of it. As soon as he realized what it was, Killian bent and vomited the last liquids inside of his almost empty stomach.

Underneath some of the alphas were large metal vats with two prongs connected to each side. Each prong served a different function of control. In rhythmic motion, the machine moved and drained their seed. Seemingly unending, the men twitched and groaned loudly through their pain as they gave the last ounces of their life.

The machine stroked their bulbous cocks, delivering lubricant around the thick shafts every few seconds. The sights, the sounds, the smells… it was evil incarnate, especially to alphas who had grown in decent conditions. All of the promises that were given to them had been broken.

“My God…” Killian collapsed onto the mud before them. “They’re milking them for their seed.”

It was unclear for what purpose, but the painted picture that lay before them was darker than they could have imagined in their prison cells. Never did they think man capable of falling that far into shackled depravity. The wars had taken a toll on them all, and now, these men were cogs in something far worse than its appearance.

Vash took Killian’s shoulder, but he kept silent. After all, there were not any words that could console the brute so clearly dumbfounded by the new world and his role within it. The three of them backed away slowly from the sight, blinking as if they could block it out of their minds forever.

“We shouldn’t be here,” Vash said.

“And yet, you’re here.”

The voice caused the alphas to turn with their rifles ready. Killian clicked the safety off and tightened his finger’s grip around the silver-tongued trigger. It might have been years since they fought in any real conflicts, but they still knew how to aim and pull a trigger.