Yet, something else torments me. The mystery of it all. I cannot abide by it. We live to unlock boxes and unearth great stories in order to understand how to solve this great crisis of life.

Perhaps I have grown too inward, living in darkness. And I have to admit that when these thoughts come, I think of taking her again, of ravaging her and spilling my hot seed inside her body. I grow angry, tired, and irascible. My cock rises against the cold air and I am forced to blow my load against the weightlessness of the night. Throughout the duration of my imprisonment, my heart has been broken into a thousand pieces., I have felt the red color slowly chip away, revealing the black stone I knew was always there.

My children were stolen. My mate taken and claimed by the new lords of the land.

I was taken once when I was a careless babe and pure, but I have since given up on searching for you, Father. I have myself to rely on now, as well as the memories of she who graced my life.

I am locked away, but the memories of those I love set my soul free. And in their image, I will wander until I’m whole again.

Killian stood upright in his darkened cell. He had focused his sight on the mirror’s reflection for hours. The ragged and ravaged alpha he saw looking back at him felt distant and fragmented, as if it wasn’t him at all.

He couldn’t comprehend what had happened to his pack. They had sought to take down Cassian and his Ouroboros slave traders. They didn’t realize it would create more chaos.

They went through hell to get her back. In the end, they failed. The alphas lost her… He could never forgive himself for that.

Night after night, he begged, even lowered his pride to plead with the guards. She was his special girl, he said. She was the one that would bring peace to a chaotic and disgusting world.

Of course, no one gave a fuck about real change. Power, lies, and corruption were the backbone of any great nation. As soon as Ruby’s faction of the coalition took the cities away from Cassian’s army of slave trader hounds, Killian knew the system would keep him in darkness until the end of days.

Grinding his teeth, he felt dizzy. He sat and faced the cold metal bars that defined his new existence. Running his hand over the long hair that shrouded his once-shaved head, he let out a loud sigh and struggled to hold back the tears rolling against his eyelids.

He reached underneath his cot to find the ring he had kept hidden for her. When the three of them got out of this place, he decided, they would propose to her. An old-fashioned gesture, maybe. But it felt important to him now. Once they found her again, they’d never leave her side.

“No amount of struggle can bring her back,” he said, pocketing the ring.

If the guards heard his words, they would have prodded him with electric poles. They would rape and torture his alpha counterparts, forcing him to watch and listen to the sounds of tearing flesh. He’d had enough of the coppery smell of spilled blood. Any more of it would cause him to break into a million pieces.

How could he have been so weak? It was a question he asked himself over and over again. Killian blamed his folly on his orphaned upbringing. Without a real family, he relied on random acts of violence. So, when he fell into the arms of that phenomenal omega, he barely knew how to take the gushy feelings inside his heart.

He thought he was doing the right thing by bringing her to that copy of a twin sister. With the city undergoing another round of firebombs and wondrous devastation, he had no choice but to comply with the new regime’s wishes. The coalition of states reached an agreement and the New Republic put in place. Ruby was the one poised to lead. It only made sense that she got rid of the evidence of their devastating lives before the coronation ceremony began.

His counterparts were taken and beaten half to death. Together, they were thrown into neighboring cells, issued the front end of electrical prods whenever they voiced their pain, and left in the darkness. The only light that came through his cell was from a small crack within the concrete ceiling.

Because the guards were trained to have the hearing of wolves, every murmur was met with extreme force. Quickly, they came to understand the power of silence, and the men lost track of one another. They were subdued and controlled, subjugated to the guards’ whims. But Killian dreamt of her every single fucking day.

Father, you must understand. The memories of her will set me free…

Closing his eyes, he saw her beautiful face, as stunning as a holy icon hanging in a cathedral. He heard her voice. “Killian,” she sang. “Everything is about to come together.”

The thought of her wrecked him. That soft, supple hourglass body would tempt any alpha, but it made his cock grow against his thigh. As the rigid bone coursed through the hairs of his leg, he let out a deep and pained moan. He thought of her creamy ass and the way it felt with his sweet spanking on her youthful skin. And now that she was a mother, she was a well-nested omega. He saw the gleam in her eye. Her wisdom... it would grow in time. And as he allowed himself the privileged of becoming protector of his family, so, too, would his urge be to break her in half in a way only a husband could.

“Will I ever leave this prison?”

Three seconds was all it took, three seconds that seemed to last for an eternity. A quick and sudden explosion took him by surprise. Killian anticipated every opportunity for escape, but when the unexpected explosion came, he was slammed back against the cell. Exhaling bits of dirt and shattered concrete, Killian lurched forward and let out an exasperated cry.


Unable to use his sight, he used his hands to search the ground for a path forward. It was almost as if he thought he could find her there, as if she would be waiting near the rubble and flame, as if she would lovingly scoop him into her arms and cure him of his ills.

“Rae! Please…”

Images of the past ran through his mind like a silent film. He could smell her, feel her warm and smooth body against his. However, the devils of his mind enjoyed toying with every hope and fear he whispered in the corners of his empty cell. Now, he could escape, but even that allowance was another measure of false hope.

After the dust settled, Killian forced his eyes open despite the pain and harsh ringing that swelled against his eardrums. An opening within the walls allowed the pure light of the sun to pour in like clear water from a fresh spring. Voices—he heard voices next. They called to him over the frantic sounds of warning sirens.

“Friends, citizens, countrymen! We must take our lives back from the corrupt! We must bow our heads, not to the state, but to the one who feels our collective pain! Behold—Rae…”

For the first time, Killian lifted his eyes and witnessed the new world. Freshly constructed skyscrapers ushered in the feelings of promise. The subway cars, once run down and screeching with age, ran smoothly. There were barely any remnants from the assault they nearly lost their lives in.