They ran toward the exits, climbing up the ladder that led back into the city. Outside, the streets broke out into mass terror. Bombs exploded as people ran in every direction. Lucas searched for the news on one of the many new plasma screens that hung above the city. When he saw no news about Rae, he had a feeling that she was somewhere near, planning a takedown of her own.

Vash grabbed his arm and shook him out of his trance. “Time’s ticking. Do you have any clue where the fuck we’re headed?” Vash asked.

Lucas scowled and searched the horizon for any clue. The devastation was rolling across the towns, and the city was imploding with terror—it felt all too familiar.

In the distance, the searchlights from the two marble towers scoured the night sky alongside the bright and golden wave of fire. “How much you want to bet that Killian is still alive?” Lucas asked.

Vash gave the kind of laugh that filled his eyes with tears. “That son of a bitch better be…”

Lucas turned to face the prisoners. “Whoever wants to leave, leave now!”

Amidst the chaos, one prisoner in particular marched forward. “We’re not stopping until they’re all dead.”

Lucas tossed him a gun. More alphas marched forward, screaming with brutality and rage. One by one, they were armed. They might have been from a different time, and they certainly aimed for different goals, but they were more than willing to come to their aid for this battle. “Good. We’ll take over the subway line and head to the marble towers. In just an hour’s time, we’ll be the ones laying out the terms.”

Killian leaned against the frame of the door to Ruby’s room, smearing his bloodstained fingerprints over the gold edges. The last guard had been killed, but he didn’t feel any safer. He still had to be quiet. Lucky for him, the door was cracked open. It only took a slight push to gain access, and when he did, he found Ruby in bed, tossing and turning in her sleep.

For at least an hour, he sat and watched her shiver and moan from what appeared to be a fever from her head wounds. He weighed the pros and cons of killing her before she woke up. Strangely, he chose to let her dream a little bit longer.

If it were years ago, he would have gladly choked her to death. Now, the scales of justice meant a little more than a quick kill count. There would be blood in these halls—there was no doubt about that. However, he didn’t wish to be cruel. He was trying something new by following the rules of patience. As she turned another time, her eyes opened to tears.

Killian brought out his blade and felt the sudden urge to drive it into her throat. He even placed h

is foot inside the room before deciding it wasn’t the right time. It was Rae’s decision, not his.

The fact that Ruby didn’t scream for help but merely wept and recoiled saddened him. Truthfully, he hadn’t seen an enemy react this way. If anything, it reminded him of the countless omegas who were stolen and killed by his pack in the past.

“Ruby! The communication lines are down. Dammit, answer me!”

Footsteps echoed behind Killian. He turned wildly and grimaced when he heard the voice shout again. It was Severin, his father’s voice that stirred his heart. Ruby’s feverish eyes turned toward the door. Hastily, he ran toward her, leaping onto the bed. He held the bloody blade in front of her lips and whispered, “Don’t say a word, or I’ll add your heart to my collection.”

Luckily, Ruby was weak from Rae’s attack from nights before. Tears fell from her eyes, and her teeth chattered weakly. With a confused gaze, she nodded. “I… I won’t say a word,” she said. “Just don’t kill me. Please. You don’t understand the position I’ve been put in.”

Killian understood enough, but he wouldn’t kill her yet. She was worth more than Severin. Not to mention, it was Rae’s decision to keep her alive or dead.

Without a word uttered, he slipped into the closet but made sure to leave a sliver open to see a clear path. If she spoke up, he would dive out and end them both, but he had a peculiar feeling she would not.

The footsteps came closer. Severin slammed the door open. The golden knob loudly cracked the wall open before Killian could see his father fall to his knees and take Ruby’s shoulders. “Get the fuck up, dammit! We have a situation.”

Ruby sat doe eyed and fearful. Her lips quivered, which seemed to anger Severin further. He shook her shoulders violently, but she recoiled as much as she could, mumbling words that were difficult to make out. “He is—he is—”

“Should have known the bitch would sell me out,” Killian said as he held his blade, ready to move quickly.

Nails digging into her shoulders, Severin shook her. He knelt over her, eyes flashing with rife indignation. “You haven’t made it out of bed yet? What is wrong with you, woman? The Republic is crumbling! I need you to make a decision.”

Ruby closed her eyes and trembled before him, flinching until her wound soaked into the pillow. “He is—he is right th—”

Before she could finish telling him where Killian was hiding, Severin wound his arm back to abuse her. As soon as the smack echoed throughout the chambers and long hallways, Killian lowered his eyes and gazed at his own hands. If Killian had spared any of the nearby guards’ lives, some might have peered in, but alas, there was no one in this section of the building. The only witness was him, and it disgusted him to see his own father abuse more and more women.

Severin leaned his chin forward and lowered his voice. “You are as useless to me now as she was and always has been. Do you hear me? Utterly useless,” he said.

Severin sat, looking as if he expected a reply. However, when she didn’t give him anything except tears, his rage intensified. Taking her arm, he twisted until her mouth gaped, saliva falling weakly over her chin.

“You can’t lead. You can’t even open your mouth to form a fucking sentence. You don’t want to answer me? Fine,” he said, smacking her cheek once more. “But know this, my dear slut wife. You couldn’t even bear children for me. What exactly is your purpose here?”

This time, Ruby answered him. “To serve you,” she said. Her eyes were fierce and punishing. Perhaps she’d known she was being used all along, or perhaps it was the first time she understood the level of his games. Either way, she had lost in the worst way possible.

“And you’ve done such a poor job, whore,” he muttered.