Another guard cackled and spat at her cheek. “The queen is an evil little bitch, ain’t she?”

All of the guards looked the same, ugly and despicable. She recoiled in disgust.

“She has quick fantasies of letting her children starve. Off with her head.”

“Off with her head, indeed!”

“No,” she whined. “I’m just so tired. I don’t think I can give you another drop.”

Rae collapsed near the golden throne and did not dare move any closer to it. The dim candlelight tantalized her eyes with the rich velvet rugs. She had never seen such a beautiful place in her life, but she was sure that she’d regret the thought later.

Soaking wet from the coronation, the water poured down her naked body, she held her breath until she felt swift pressure build within her lungs. A hurried cry left her as soon as the black dots of exhaustion swirled in her vision. Solid footsteps echoed behind her, forcing her to stop and turn her head.

“Guards, you may let her rest. She has given the adequate ounces of milk. Any more will simply draw out blood,” Severin said.

Rae was thankful, but she would not give him any more respect. “What are you doing here?”

“You don’t need to practice your breathing anymore, dear,” he hissed.

A rush of cold wind ran over her body. Despite his counsel, she took another deep breath and twisted her arms over her erect nipples. Closing her eyes, she imagined the freezing water pulling her body under, the cables twisting inside her open vagina, sucking out the viscous slick for God knows what.

“I won’t let you drown me again,” she said.

He furrowed his hand into her hair and squeezed. “Why don’t you do what I say?”

Forced to exhale, she allowed her saliva to fall from her lips. Like the dew from a mourning flower’s first awakening, the speckled red drop extended toward the floor. More blood. Quickly, Severin caught it on his boot

“If you must know, I do not trust you,” she said.

The brutish commander’s lip twitched. “You play the act of a bad girl well,” he replied.

Slowly, she removed her arms from around her breasts and lured her spine backward into a perfect arch. She knew what to show the alphas in charge, and she expected him to try and rape her. What he didn’t know was that when she was removed from her caged womb, she vowed to bite his dick off.

“Yeah, well, maybe I am a bad girl. Maybe I’m worse than you think. The people must adore me for my behavior,” she taunted.

“Get up, you slut,” he muttered. “You should be fully aware by now that I’m not interested in your dried up cunt.”

As dry as those oceans…

She obeyed, but every movement was drawn out slowly to lay him on the brink of madness. As she stood, she thought of every insult she could hurl at him. Despite his competence, he was a pathetic, thin man with no regard for her wellbeing. He was no evil genius, but he had succeeded well enough with his twisted plan to keep his jesters engaged.

“A ruler shouldn’t have to command when so many are willing to obey without question,” she said. “Oh, that’s right. I am technically your queen. Am I not?”

“You are figurehead, a brittle top for the mantelpiece. We keep you to remind them that their suffering is not in vain,” he said.

Rae’s sight darted toward the door, but two guards in leather harnesses sat poised like jackals ready to subdue her rebellious movements. “You will not put me in that… thing again,” she growled.

Ignoring her, Severin placed both palms against her ribs. The warmth spread throughout her body, allowing her some peace, as well as doubt to his intentions. “Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do. Pain is a reality we must all face, and Cassian instilled a lot of fear in the world. I cannot have another insurrection on my hands.”

Rae may have been naked and vulnerable, but she suddenly felt her anger get the best of her. She grabbed the front of his black turtleneck, forcing him close enough to smell her flowery scent. Strangely, he did not react, the second time she’d noticed his lack of lust for her.

“You don’t want to fuck me,” she said. “This is a first.”

“You aren’t perfect to all men,” he said. “Is that so surprising? Now, let my shirt go. It was just ironed.”

Rae unpinned her fingers from the soft fabric and squealed with laughter. “You don’t like women… The only thing you lust over is power. You are using my sister, aren’t you?”

Severin forced his thumb into her throat. She coughed and collapsed into his chest, only for him to squeeze harder. Teeth clenched, he lowered his lips near her ear and growled, “Keep your voice down, or I will crack the cartilage. I do not lust like you animals because there is a plan bigger than any cock, more appealing than any soft cunt, and I abide by its rules. I am an explorer, a man whose purpose was to lead the right peop