Somehow, I'm not afraid of telling him this. Although, I'm not sure why. It's not common knowledge that angels exist.

I swear. They exist.

The man stands and adjusts his tie, and now I can see how grim his face actually appears. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out some kind of weapon, a variation of a pistol I've never seen before.

The moment I see it, I crawl backward and lose my breath.

A red snake engraving wraps around the barrel. Strange symbols have been inscribed into the body. On the handle is a downward pointing star. On the inside of the cylinder is a small apple, just barely visible enough to see. The simple act of looking at the weapon inspires a type of dread I haven't felt in ages.

"You see, that's why I'm here," he says, eyeing the complex designs. “The angels are important to me.”

"Please, just let me go. I don't want to die," I say.

"Die?" he asks. "What makes you think I want you to die?"

I swallow, and he grabs my hand. My heart races. This is it, the moment before death. I think about my life, about all of the years I wasted. I think about my father and all of the resentment I've held. I can't remember a thing, and it is at this precise second I come to the realization that my life is nothing but a cruel joke.

I should have lived. I should have made the most of this experience.

But he doesn't shoot me.

Instead, he forces my fingers around the butt of the pistol. It fits perfectly inside my palm. It's almost like it was designed specifically for me.

He lets go of my hand. "I need you to take care of something," he says.

I shake my head. "Take... care... of...?"

He pulls out a photograph and puts it in my hand. Immediately, I recognize those chocolate eyes.

She's the most beautiful woman on the planet.

"Her name is Raven. And you'll be the one to kill her," he says.

He starts to walk away, but I quickly call out to get him to stop. "Wait!"

The man does not pause. "Find her," he says. "Just take care of it."

"No," I plead. "Don't do this. I can't kill anyone."

"We both know this needs to end, Ash," he says without turning. "The chaos of your mind is wreaking havoc on your soul. It breaks my heart to see you like this again."

Again? Do I know him?

He steps into the limousine, but motions for the driver to stop. I'm staring at the man, but he looks like he has no face.

Just skin and dents where his eyes should be.

Suddenly, I hear the cacophonous sound of buzzing flies. Dark thoughts consume me. Am I hallucinating?

Most likely.

I can't trust what I see...

"My name is Lucifer," he says. "Now, now. There's no reason to be afraid. I'm no stranger. I'm an old friend of yours. And if you agree to help me, I'll make all of this end for you. I will bring you the true glory of the heavens. And so much more."

He reiterates that last part.

My throat feels like it's closing. Head is spinning. My God, I am losing it again.