I turn and immediately see Odin. With his great cane, he hobbles through the sand. "What's this I hear about exile?"

My face turns hot. I didn't think I'd be worried about telling Odin our plans, but he's actually really intimidating in person.

I kneel and shield my eyes. "Odin," I say.

He wags his cane into the air. "Get up. No use for sugary pleasantries."

As I stand, my wings open wide, casting large shadows over our heads. When I close my eyes, I can now hear and feel the prayers of every person in the entire world. It's a totally different sense.

"I am worried you won't understand," I admit. "But we can't bear this responsibility any longer."

Odin carefully examines both Ash and I. "You don't want to serve on the council. Is that what you're insinuating?"

Ash nods strongly. "It is, sir."

The old god digs his cane carefully into the sand and leans forward. "And why do you think you have a choice in the matter? Is it not understood that this isn't something you get to choose?"

Ash looks at me before responding. "I will accept exile if it means receiving the love I was born to receive."

The words hit hard. Even Odin falters. When we first met him, he told us that, above war, he feared love the most.

He must have known we would want to leave.

As he weighs everything he's been told, he comes to his own conclusion. "Both of you were chosen."

"Without consent," I say.

"But chosen, nonetheless," he argues. "That being said, it might come with some surprise to hear me say that I am not an absolutist. I am a god that takes everything into account."

I stand on my toes in anticipation. "And?"

"And I think you're going to get me in a lot of trouble," he mutters, shaking his head.

A huge smile breaks out across my face, so big that I feel like my jaw might shatter into a million pieces. "You're going to let us marry? We won't have to serve on the council?"

Before he can answer, I leap forward and wrap my arms around him. I kiss his cheeks and squeal with delight.

"Settle, settle!" he shouts. "This is no time to celebrate. You will have to give me your wings. All of what has been given to you will be removed. Is this truly what you want?"

Ash grabs my waist. "It's the only thing I want."

"Then you must leave here. Now," he says.

I look at Heimdall, look at Loki. How can we just leave when we experienced all of this together? They are the only friends I've ever had. "But--"

"It won't be forever," Heimdall says. "We'll find you."

A tear hangs in Loki's eye as he nods. "This isn't over. When the dust has settled, we'll have the biggest celebration known to man," he says. "In Valhalla..."

With strong emotion, we say goodbye.

I hug Loki first, and he says, "As much as I give everyone shit, you were like a family to me. I hope you can forgive me for being an asshole."

I try to swallow. I blink my eyes. Anything to stay strong, but it's too painful. "There's nothing to forgive. You were just figuring this thing out," I say.

Heimdall is next. "Thank you for gracing my life. You two have been an inspiration," he says.

Loki nods. "It's been an honor to have been a part of your growing love for each other."