The gun feels so heavy inside my palm. "How will I find her?" I ask.

He chuckles and motions for the faceless man to shut the door. "Trust your intuition. You'll find her. But when you do, don't fall for her tricks. She is no saint. She is nothing but an arm for the devil."

The faceless driver shuts the door. The limousine speeds away, and I'm left broken again.


Mad as a hatter.

And all I can do is pray she isn't as cunning as he makes her out to be.


I'm hurrying through the crowds of the financial district, practically shoulder bumping every man who tries to step in my way.

Heels slipping. Ankles bending.


In the city of money, it's a dog eat dog world. But mostly, it's a man's world, and it's up to women like me to keep up the pace.

I slide the manila portfolio out of my armpit and open it up to read the daily report.

Not long ago, there was another major crash in the economy. Most of our firm's accounts tanked within a second. Total flash crash. Fortune hasn't favored a lot of us, but that's the way the "casino" works.

You win some. You lose most.

Needless to say, my team is eager to claim the rebound on this.

I grab my phone and hit my mom's name. Right when it starts to ring, I freak out and hang up.

The truth is that I'm mad at myself for falling into this lifestyle so hard. I never thought I'd get this far up in the company.

I was a free spirit, someone who went against the grain of society. I was a total punk rocker. Now, I'm head of accounts.

How the hell did I let this happen?

I call back and let the phone ring. This time, I wait until the end.

There's no answer. I should have expected that.

Her voice: "It's Martha. Leave a message."

Ten years. I haven't heard from her in ten long years.

"Uh, yeah." I cough and clear my throat, unsure as to what to say. "It's your daughter. Was just checking in. Haven't heard from you in a while. Call me back. I know you won't."

My body is stiff as I hang up the phone.

This last year has been so hard, and not just on the work front. I'm twenty-seven. I live alone and watch too much Netflix. I drink too much wine. Rosé is my current pick. Any brand will do.

All in all, it's a decent life, but the years are starting to slip away like shadows into shade.

I don't want this life. Not anymore. As cheese-ball as the words sound inside my head, I just want somebody to love.

Maybe I don't deserve to find love. You get what you put into the universe, right? Right now, it's all about the money.

My heart will just have to wait.