He does the same.

"Those hired goons were going after you," he says, taking my hand. "I couldn't let them hurt you."

"Why?" The question comes out as a whimper, and all of the self-control I thought I had goes right out the window.

"Have you ever just looked at someone and knew they were special?" he asks.

The answer is a resounding no. That was something that hadn't happened to me.

"Not really," I admit. "Not until I met you."

My eyes are heavy. My pulse races, heart attempting to break through my sternum. Suddenly, my mouth is dry, and I'm a bumbling schoolgirl again.

How we've come this far, I have no idea. Where we're going is unknown. But I know this. I want this.

As if we are destined to come together, he squeezes my palm and brings me closer to him. Instinctually, I fall into the comfort of his sacred heart.

We kiss, and I'm floating in the divine spring of earthly desire.

This is so fast. Much faster and reckless than I thought, but it's beyond right.

Our mouths open wide and connect, tongues desperately searching for the first point of contact, the sweetness that demands more.

His hands caress my ribs, gently sliding down to my hips for control. I want to lose it all for him because I know he's right. We're connected.

We're special.

"The only one I see is you," he says, in between breaths.

"Ash," I moan.

He pulls back and smiles, curling in his bottom lip to taste more of me. He stares at me with astonishment, but I know our time is up.

"Anyway, I just thought I'd tell you how I feel. I should probably head to the couch. I'm sure we'll have a big day tomorrow," he says.

But I don't let go of his hand. I pull him back in and kiss him once more.

"Don't go," I whisper. "Please? I don't want to be alone tonight."

He looks back at the door and then at me again. I worry he's going to leave.

But he doesn't.

"There's nowhere else I'd rather be," he says.

It's just us. Our kisses. The adoration that's growing between us.

It's how it should be.

We haven't gotten any sleep, but that's okay. It feels like I have energy to last me for days.

Between us, there is a reality more true than life itself. And I'm ready for anything that comes our way.

Hours later, a heavy knock startles us out of bed. Artificial light pours into the dark room, as the door swings open. It's Loki, and his face is grim.

"Come on. It's time to go."

"Go? What do you mean?" Ash groans.