"We agreed, knowing full well he was to use this blade against the good of the universe. He says you're connected to a holy realm. Really weird shit, if you ask me, but it got me thinking. All of those angel statues. How the hell did they get there?" Loki asks.

I sigh. "You're asking me?" I ask.

"I don't know. Am I?" he retorts.

I find an empty chair and sit. My body feels like it weighs a thousand pounds. "Look, all of this is a bit over my head," I say. "Even if I somehow knew how they got there, I wouldn't be able to recall any of it."

"Why?" Raven asks. I feel my heart plummeting into my stomach.

I suck in a breath and decide to tell her the truth. "I can't remember some important parts of my life," I admit. "It's like my memories are broken. Some of it is crystal clear, but most of it is like staring at a Picasso. It's just... chaos."

Heimdall shakes his head. "That's where you're wrong. You can learn to control your mind," he says. "There's a power inside of you. You just need a little push."

I sigh. "Maybe. But would a powerful man sleep under a freeway overpass?"

Loki's grin shifts into a hardened display of teeth. "This world was made to break powerful men," he says. "We have all been corrupted. Now, we all seem to value different things."

Heimdall glares at Raven. "Meaningless gold and treasures. The stock market."

"Leave her out of this. She's a woman with a good soul. You can't blame her for doing what she needed to do to survive," I say.

"You see what you just did? That impulsion to protect the woman you so clearly love is part of what makes you powerful," Heimdall says.

Love? What the hell is he talking about?

I don't know ho

w to react, so I stay silent. I can feel the weight of Raven's stare, but I can't look her in the eyes. Not right now.

"Lucifer is exactly the opposite of who he claims to be," Loki says.

Heimdall agrees with his roommate. "And that's precisely why he was casted out and made a man. I have no doubt in my mind that he's planning a big comeback," he says.

"Oh, come on," Raven finally interrupts. "Gods. Demons. Lucifer? Aren't we confusing mythology here? None of this makes any sense.”

We're all filled with doubts, but right now, I can see the potential in all of this. In us. We are real, and we have to come together.

"All of the religions connect," Heimdall says. "Hard to believe, but it's true."

Something takes over me, and I'm reaching out to her again. Though we've been put in a tough spot, the energy between us is strong. My heart is nearly leaping out of my chest, but I manage to keep it together.

“I knew all of this was real," I say. "It's always been real. We've been conditioned to think the world we built is everything. Computers, technology of all kinds, greed... none of this is what makes our hearts beat. I know that much to be true."

She leans back in exhaustion. "What does Lucifer want?" she asks.

I shrug and decide to tell her what I know. "He wanted me to kill you. The gun he gave me... it was meant for you."

Surely, her death isn't the only thing that he wants, but it seems pretty important.

She stands, and I try to get her to stop, but Heimdall just shakes his head. "It's been a long day as it is. Let her decompress," he says.

She walks into one of the rooms in the back of the flat and closes the door. I can hear her sobbing, and it breaks my heart into small and irretrievable pieces. Deep down, I believe all of this will end in the way it's supposed to end, but I don't have much proof it'll be easy.

I leave her be, despite my heart telling me to comfort her.

Loki swipes my forehead and looks at his dirtied finger. "You need to get clean. Take a shower and shave," he says, motioning toward the bathroom at the start of the hallway. "And stop worrying so much. Love takes time, but you are connected by something bigger than time itself. She'll come around."

I frown and walk toward the shower. Close the door and fall against the sink. My eyes roll up to the mirror image of myself.