Page 59 of Saved by the CEO

“She likes you,” Marianna murmured.

“Louisa said I’d fall in love,” he whispered.

“Excuse me?”

“When we were talking about being godparents. She told me I would fall in love with Rosa.”

He remembered every detail of their conversation, from the advice she gave to the way the sun crowned her head as he said goodbye. “She was right in more ways than one.”

His heart threatened to crack open, the way it had every hour since Louisa had said goodbye. Struggling to keep the pieces together, he looked to his sister. “I love her,” he said in a quiet voice.

“I know.”

Neither of them had to say what they were both thinking. That finally after years without it, Nico had found love, only to chase it away.

“I tried to explain myself the other night but she wouldn’t listen, and now she won’t take my phone calls,” he said. “I’d go to the palazzo, but I’m afraid she’ll refuse to come out.” Or send him away. Either outcome frightened him into inertia. “Tell me, Marianna. What do I do?”

“I don’t think you’re going to like my answer.”

“If you’re going to tell me there’s nothing I can do, you’re right. There has to be something I can do.” Surely she didn’t expect him to sit around and do nothing while the love of his life slipped through his fingers. “If I could only get her to talk with me.”

“Why? So you can explain and try to charm her into forgiving you?”

Nico held his sleeping niece a little closer. “Is that such a bad plan?”

“I don’t know. How well did charm work for her ex-husband?”

“I’m not him.”

“Then prove it to her.”

“How? How do I make her see that I don’t want to control her?”

“You let her be her own person. And that includes letting her come to you for help when she’s ready.

“What if she never comes to me again?”

He didn’t realize his knee was bouncing in agitation until Marianna put her hand on his leg. “Poor Nico. So used to being in charge of the situation. Haven’t you figured out by now that love isn’t something that makes sense? If it did, our parents would never have gotten together.”

Their parents. Despite his sadness, he had to smile at her comment. “Never were two people less suited for one another,” he said.

“Or more meant to be,” Marianna replied, squeezing his knee. “I think you and Louisa are meant to be, as well, but you have to be patient.”

“I don’t know if I can.” Each day that passed without speaking to her made the hole in his chest a little wider.

“Of course you can, Mr. Viticulture. Think of it like a harvest. You wouldn’t pick a grape with a poor Brix level, would you?”

“No,” he replied. “But waiting on a grape is a lot less painful, too.”

“You can do it.”

He smiled at the woman beside him. His beautiful baby sister all grown-up and glowing with motherhood. “When did you get so wise?”

“Oh, I’ve always been wise. You just never bothered to ask me for advice. Might as well face it, dear brother,” she said, “when it comes to love, you’ve got a lot to learn.”

Yes, he did. He only hoped he’d be able to learn with Louisa by his side.

If space was what she needed to find her way back to him, then space was what he would give her.

His resolve lasted five minutes. Then the phone rang.

* * *

“After weeks of speculation, the Halencian royal family confirmed today that Prince Antonio and Princess Christina are expecting their first child. The royal heir is due to arrive early next spring. No other details have been released...”

The television screen showed a photo of Antonio and Christina dancing at their wedding. The same photo that had reignited the Luscious Louisa scandal. Nice to know news outlets recycled resources.

Clicking off the news, Louisa tossed the remote onto the cushions. She was happy for the royal couple. Really she was. They may have had some bumpy times at the beginning of their marriage, but the pair were very much in love.

Funny how that had happened to a lot of the people she knew in Monte Calanetti. The whole “love conquering all” thing, that is. Too bad it missed her. Then again, maybe it was her fault. After all, she’d loved Steven and love hadn’t come in to conquer anything. What made her think the situation would be any different simply because she loved—

Oh God, was she really ready to admit she loved Nico?

She checked her phone for messages. What was a little salt in the wound when you were already miserable, right? Nothing. After six impassioned voice mails, Nico had stopped calling. Guess he’d finally gotten the message. Or lost interest.