Page 29 of Saved by the CEO

“Then where are the newspapers?”

“I took them with me to read over coffee.”

“Read about the Royal Wedding Scandal, you mean.”

“Where did you hear about that?” The mask of indifference he’d been wearing slipped, proving his deception. Louisa glared at him. “Princess Christina called me this morning to ask how I was doing. She wanted me to know she and Prince Antonio didn’t care what people were saying.”

“See? Didn’t I tell you that your friends would stand by you?”

Yes, he had, and Christina’s phone call had meant more to her than she could say. That wasn’t the point at the moment, however. “Don’t try to change the topic. This is about you keeping information from me.”

Nico sighed. “I was trying to protect you from useless gossip.”

“Useless or not, you don’t have the right to decide what I read and what I don’t read.” She rubbed her arms. Despite the sun beating down, her skin had turned to gooseflesh. She felt as though she’d had this conversation before with Steven. Only then the argument had been in her head because she’d not dared to speak her mind. Today was the first time she’d said the words aloud.

“I’m sorry. You were so upset by the headlines the other morning, I wanted to save you further distress.” While talking, he pulled a grape off the vine and crushed it between his fingers. “I hate seeing you sad,” he added, staring at his stained fingers.

The sweetness behind his answer dispelled a little of her anger. Only a little, however. “That’s not your call to make, Nico. It’s not your job to protect me from the headlines.”

“No, just the paparazzi,” he replied.

Louisa winced. He had her there. She was using him for protection, making her indignation over the newspapers sound more than a little hypocritical. “Do you want me to move back to the palazzo?”

“Do you want to move back?”

She toed the dirt with her sandal. Short answer? No. She liked having him nearby. Which meant maybe she should move back. “I don’t know.”

“Oh.” He grabbed his satchel, which sat on the ground by his feet, and headed down the row.

She followed him. Thankfully the workers had moved to another row, leaving them in privacy. “That’s all you’re going to say?”

“You’re not a prisoner, Louisa. You can do whatever you want.”

Though cool, she could still hear the hint of hurt in his voice. Problem was, what she wanted scared her. She wanted the security she felt when she was wrapped in Nico’s arms. Which is exactly the opposite of why you came to Italy in the first place. What happened to standing on your own two feet for a change?

“So what did the headlines say anyway?” she asked.

“You mean you didn’t go online and look?”

“No.” Her cheeks burned. Going online would have been the easy solution, but she’d been too busy being indignant to turn on the computer. “I came looking for you instead.”

“Well, you didn’t miss much,” Nico replied.

“Apparently I did, or you wouldn’t have taken the papers.” And he wouldn’t be studying the Sangiovese leaves so intently. The winemaker had two very distinct stares, she’d come to realize. His intense “never missed a beat” stare that made her skin tingle, and his “I’m not telling you the whole story so I’m going to look at something else” stare. “Tell me.”

“No doubt Christina told you about the royal wedding part. Halencia’s government is afraid you might try to entice the royal family into making dubious investments.”

“She told me.” That wasn’t the whole story, though. Not based on how Nico continued to stare at the vines. He took a deep breath. “They also interviewed my former fiancée.”


“OH.” IT WAS not the answer Louisa expected. She had suspected the papers would continue plumbing their erstwhile romance, but, in her self-involved haze, she hadn’t thought about them digging into Nico’s past. Dozens of questions came to mind, but the only words she could manage to say out loud were “I didn’t realize you’d been engaged.”

He shrugged. “It was a long time ago.”

But not so long ago the memory didn’t bother him. “Did she say something bad?” Was that why he continued to avoid her eyes?

“Actually she was surprisingly diplomatic. But then, Floriana was—is—a very good person.”

If she was so good, why then why was she an ex? Louisa tried to picture the kind of woman Nico would propose to. Someone beautiful, no doubt. And smart. She would have to be smart to keep up with him. More questions came to mind, like what had kept them from the altar? From the shadows filling his expression, the decision hadn’t been his, at least not completely.