Maybe even strong enough to fall in love with a strong man.
* * *
“I asked Lindsay Sullivan if she would stop by the meeting, as well. It might be useful to get a professional event planner’s input, even if she does specialize in weddings. Is that all right with you, Nico?”
“A wedding planner is fine,” Nico replied. “Whatever you want to do.”
“Whatever I...? All right,” Rafe said, plopping down on the other side of the table. “What have you done with the real Nico Amatucci? Usually by now you would have rearranged the agenda items and brainstormed three or four new ones. Instead, you’ve hardly said a word. What gives?” Folding his arms, the chef tipped back in his chair and waited.
No doubt he found Nico’s shrug an unsatisfactory response. “It’s your committee.”
“That I started with the full knowledge that you would take over. Honestly, I wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble if I didn’t think you would do the bulk of the heavy lifting.”
“Sorry to disappoint you,” he replied.
“Leave him alone, Rafe. He’s nursing a broken heart.” Walking past, Dani gave her husband a playful smack on the back of the head. “Remember how depressed you were when I left Monte Calanetti?”
“Depressed is a little strong. Ow!” He rubbed the back of his head. “I was joking. I was also trying to distract him from his problems.”
“News flash. The playful banter isn’t helping.” Each quip was like salt in his already raw wounds.
“We’re sorry,” Dani said, taking a seat.
“No, I’m sorry,” he quickly replied. “You shouldn’t have to censor your happiness for my sake.” Then, because he was clearly a glutton for punishment, he added, “I don’t suppose you’ve heard anything?”
She shook her head. “Nothing. I called a couple of times, but she isn’t picking up her phone. She’s still in town, though.”
“I know.” He saw the lights on in the palazzo. Yesterday, while in the vines, he thought he caught a glimpse of her on the balcony, and he almost climbed up to join her. But since he was practicing patience, like his sister suggested, he stayed away.
“Do you think she’ll go through with selling the palazzo?” Rafe asked.
God, but Nico hoped not. “It’s up to her.” He personally hadn’t returned the Realtor’s call. Probably should or else risk losing the property altogether. The idea of someone—anyone—other than Louisa living next door... Grabbing a fork, he stabbed at a cornetto. Far preferable to stabbing anything else. “It’s her decision to make,” he repeated, as much to remind himself as anything.
“Whose decision to make what?” a beautifully familiar voice asked. Nico looked up in time to see Louisa walking into the main dining room. She was dressed in a navy blue suit, the kind a banker might wear. The dark material made her hair appear more white than ever. Perhaps that was why she was wearing it pulled back in a clip. This, he realized with a jolt, was a different Louisa than the woman he’d left the other day. The woman before him carried herself with confidence and grace.
“Sorry I’m late,” she said, setting a leather portfolio on the table. “Oh, please tell me that carafe is American coffee.”
“Espresso,” Rafe replied. He sounded as astounded as Nico felt. A quick look at Dani said she shared the feeling, as well.
Fortunately for all of them, Dani didn’t have a problem saying something aloud.
“We didn’t think you were coming,” she said.
Pink appeared in her cheeks. “I wasn’t sure I was going to attend either. I didn’t make up my mind until last night.”
“And the suit?”
“Confidence booster,” she said, reaching for the plate of pastries that was in the center of the table. “I have a business meeting after this one.”
“You do?” Nico sat up straighter. This was what he feared. She’d come to say goodbye. “You found someone to buy the palazzo?”
“No, someone to help me turn it into a hotel.” Her blue eyes found his. “It appears I’m not leaving Monte Calanetti after all.”
“You’re not?” For a second, he was afraid he’d heard her wrong. There was a smile in her eyes, though. Would she be smiling if she was about to break his heart?
The rest of the restaurant faded into the background. Nico was vaguely aware of Rafe and Dani excusing themselves from the room, not that it mattered. He only had eyes for the woman in front of him. Everything else was background noise.