Page 56 of Saved by the CEO


“I know,” he rushed on, “it’s too soon. It’s too fast. Too... Too many things, but then again, it’s not.” His hand trembled as he stroked her cheek. “I think I have loved you for a very long time. Since long before the wedding.”

Louisa wasn’t sure if she wanted to run or cry. He was right; it was too soon. If she said the words back, it would mean accepting the fact she had once again fallen in love without thinking things through.

Even if it was already true.

That he seemed to know what she was thinking made the panic worse. “It’s all right,” he said, pressing his fingers to her lips. “I understand if you’re not ready to say the words back. I just needed to tell you.”

She was about to tell him she needed time—a lot more time—when a voice interrupted from behind them. “Nico! I thought that was you.”

A wiry man with slick black hair approached them with a smile. “And Signorina Harrison. How lucky that I should run into you. Saves me the trouble of tracking you down by phone.”

“Me?” She looked at Nico for help.

“I’m sorry, I should have introduced myself. I’m Dominic Merloni.”

“From the bank?” Apparently he’d decided she was worth talking to after all.

If the banker noticed the chill in her voice, he was unfazed. “Yes, I wanted to apologize for canceling our meeting so abruptly the other day. There was a family emergency that took me out of town.”

“How terrible,” she said, not sure she believed him. “I hope everything’s okay now.”

“Better than ever, thank you. Anyway, since I didn’t know when I would be returning, I told my secretary not to reschedule anything. Now that I’m back, I’m looking forward to sitting down and hearing more about your project. You are still thinking of turning the palazzo into a boutique hotel, are you not?”

“Yes! Definitely.”

“Wonderful. Call my office tomorrow and we’ll pick a time.”

This was unbelievable. Here she’d convinced herself that her plans would need to wait another couple of years.

“Um...” She still didn’t want to get her hopes up yet. Signor Merloni might be willing to listen, but that didn’t erase her weak credit history. “I think before we meet, you should probably know that I’m recently divorced. My personal credit history is relatively new.”

“Oh, I don’t think that will be a problem,” the banker said. “I’m sure you’ll be a solid risk.” His gaze darted to Nico as he spoke.

She should have known it was too good to be true.

“Well, it looks like we have occasion to celebrate,” the winemaker said as they watched him walk away.

“Really?” she asked, narrowing her eyes. Whatever elation she was feeling had vanished, wiped out when the banker had tipped Nico’s hand. “And what exactly do you want to celebrate? The fact that you talked Dominic into meeting with me or the fact you’re a controlling jerk?”

As she hurled the words at him, Nico stiffened. “Louisa...”

“Don’t try to deny it,” she said. “I saw Dominic looking at you. He was about as subtle as an elephant. The guy might as well have come out and said you were backing the loan.”

“I’m not backing anything.”

He also wasn’t denying his involvement. “You did talk with him, though.”

“I told him I thought the project had potential.”

The Amatucci seal of approval. Which, as everyone in Monte Calanetti knew, was as good as a guarantee. Louisa could tear her hair out. No, correction. She could tear Nico’s hair out. Every curly strand.

“I can’t believe you,” she said, shaking her head.

“I don’t understand. What did I do that’s so terrible?”

What did he do? “You went behind my back, that’s what.”

“I was trying to help you.”

“Funny, I don’t recall asking for it. In fact, I specifically asked you not to help.” Turning on her heel, she marched to the bench but was too aggravated to sit down.

Nico marched up behind her.

“What was I supposed to do?” he asked. “You were putting your plans on hold because of the man. Was I supposed to stand back and let your dreams fall apart even though I have the ability to stop it?”

“Yes!” she hissed as she spun around to face him. “That’s exactly what you should have done.”

“You’re kidding.”

“No, I’m not. It wasn’t your dream to save. It was mine.”

“But you weren’t doing anything. To save it.”