Page 93 of Unstoppable Shadow

A Shadow stood in front of the wings of darkness, its hands held behind its back. Mara’s hands tingled. It’s him.

“I did not foresee our paths crossing again so soon after your capture, Mara,” the Master said.

Silas stopped every so often, listening for something to lead him toward the castle. Nothing. He had no choice but to stick to his chosen direction through the mist. The memories of finding human bones out here during training did nothing but make it seem more likely he’d die out here one way or another. I’ll take a blade across the throat against getting lost and starving to death.

The sound of fast-moving hooves thudded toward him, and he pulled behind the nearest tree. The horses rushed past, one to either side, and he choked on the powder they kicked up.

There had been multiple boys on each horse, two, maybe three, but he couldn’t be sure. Is he letting all the boys go? Maybe there is still some good in him. Visions of a fiery Talon and a smouldering Vespen flooded his mind. Hundreds, if not thousands, dead. He can’t be letting these boys go. They must be escaping.

He followed the horse tracks from the direction they’d approached, desperately aware of the finite time he had before they disappeared.

The decapitated corpse of a Shadow lay by the open gate to the castle, head nowhere to be seen, blood still dripping from its neck. Silas crept forward and came across three more bodies of Shadows, the handles of their blades stuck in their chests.

He swallowed. He really had no chance against Mara if he had to fight him. Walk away now, and I’ll be free. There will be no more Shadows to hunt me down. He rubbed at his aching hips. The last thing he wanted to do was walk any further, especially when the closest village was now burnt to a crisp. I’ve come this far. There has to be some good left in him. I have to talk him round. It’s my only choice.

The mist gave way to the dark corridor as he entered the castle. He didn’t know which was worse. A dim light shone from the left at the far end. One of the many courtyards. It had been so long since he’d been here, only remembering things as he came across them. He’d have to rely on the trail of bodies to take him to Mara. There were too many possible routes.

Footsteps echoed. Mine or someone else’s? He imagined ending up on his back without notice, a knife in his side, just as he had in Talon. No surprises, please.

He peered around the open door to the courtyard, jaw clenched, bracing himself for impact. A boy lay on his back in the middle of a training courtyard. The others must have escaped rather than be let go.

The sand around the boy’s head was shiny black from the blood that leaked from his eye. Not a quick death. Silas took the boy’s blade. A second may make all the difference.

Voices echoed ahead, and Silas made his way into the corridor, pausing half way to listen. It’s him.

Mara walked slowly alongside the stone benches. “You sent Silas to kill me.”

“He was told to do so, but I had no doubt that he would fail. I simply sent him to aid in your release.”

“The Shadows you sent are dead.”

“A necessary cull of the weak among us. A process begun long before you became aware of the extent of your gifts.” The Master stepped to The Wings of Darkness and placed a hand on them. “You have been sent to cleanse us, Mara. Our purpose on this earth was to maintain order. To balance an ever growing evil. We have become that evil, and so, need to be cleansed.”

Mara climbed the steps to the stone platform. “You want me dead,” he shouted.

The Master turned toward Mara and dropped to his knees. “Not true, Mara. I wish to assist you. I see now. All our wrongdoings. Taking control of the Red Mist the biggest of all. A wasted opportunity. We have amassed a fortune. And for what? We do not want for materialistic things. Our purpose was clear.” The Master’s head hung forward.

Mara drew the blade and placed its tip against the Master’s neck. “Nobody will ever have to listen to your stupid words again.”

Silence, only Mara’s heartbeat sounded in his head.

The blade pointed into thin air. Mara blinked. The Master was gone. What? Where did he go?

“Please hear me out, Mara. It is not my intention to confuse you.”

Mara slowed time as he spun to face the Master, then lunged, blade ready. The Master stepped aside, leaving Mara to stumble into the empty space.

The Master put his hands behind his back. “Your gifts are not unique, Mara, although your power will continue to grow. I can feel it.”

Mara took another swipe at the Master, the whispers screaming for blood.

The Master dodged again. “Your intentions are pure, but you must stop. I know much of this world and will prove to be an invaluable asset at your side.”

Why can’t I make him slow?

“Until your arrival, I was yet to meet another with the ability to slow time. When the possession of your gift became clear, I did not see it to be beneficial in affording you special treatment. I wanted you to learn and hone your skills organically.”

Mara’s blood boiled. “Why don’t you speak properly?”