Page 82 of Unstoppable Shadow

“Take off your fucking clothes, or I’ll take them off for you.” Mara thought about the servant he’d taken the clothes from when he entered the castle. I wonder if he’s still down there?

The prince pulled off his red coat and trousers and placed them on the table.

“And the shirt,” Mara said as he pulled on the trousers.

The prince pulled it up over his head and handed it over, still wearing his undergarments, like the servant boy.

Mara laughed. “I look stupid. Just like you.”

The prince sobbed. “Mummy picks out my clothes.”

Mara stepped forward and punched the prince in the face, feeling the nose crunch under his knuckles. The prince fell on his arse. Mara followed him down, turning him onto his front and grabbing a handful of hair.

“Now you’ll see how it feels,” he whispered into the prince’s ear.

Mara dragged the squealing prince sideways and pushed his face into the hot bucket. Mara fought hard to keep the prince from escaping, but it didn’t take long for the screaming to stop and the body to go limp. I wonder if I’d give up so easy?

Mara stood. “Like it down there, do you?” He smiled, then turned to find the gate key Julias had dropped when he took the sword to the belly.

The Beast stood by the gate.

“You finally came. Take me to Lord Cole.”


Mara followed the Beast along several corridors and up many flights of stairs, all covered in the stupid pictures of high-class people looking miserable. He had to hide every so often to let people pass. The Beast didn’t; it stayed out in the open, standing just inches away from guards, high-class men, women, and children. None of them had a clue how close they were to death.

Mara had ideas about what else he could make people do. A touch from the Beast could drive them wild. Have them fighting for no reason, burning down buildings, killing each other. Chaos.

He didn’t know where these new ideas came from, but they filled his mind. He imagined entire cities on fire. The thoughts made him feel powerful. Nobody would be able to treat him badly ever again. He could have any bed he wanted and all the money and food he pleased.

Finally, they stood in front of a large wooden door. “He’s in here?” Mara asked the Beast.

The Beast nodded.

Mara opened the door. Straight ahead were unmistakable backs of Arnolo and Thomas. As they turned, the gap between them revealed Lord Cole sat at a huge table.

Lord Cole’s mouth hung open. “How the hell?”

Arnolo smiled. “How nice of you to join us, Peter.”

“Not for you.” Mara stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him.

The big men both drew truncheons, while Lord Cole stood and backed away toward a huge painting of himself on the wall.

Mara drew the blade he’d pulled from the guard’s neck. “You’ll die last, Lord Cole.”

Arnolo and Thomas moved apart.

The Slow came as soon as Mara wanted it to, and he rushed to Thomas, slicing at the wrist of the hand that held the truncheon, then slipped behind and slashed at the backs of his thick legs.

He allowed time to speed back up as he stepped away. I can control it. The feeling of power filled his body, his blood the hottest he’d ever felt it.

Thomas fell to his knees, screaming. The truncheon rolled to Arnolo’s feet.

Arnolo bent down and picked it up. “You have the devil in you, boy. I will take pleasure in beating it out of you.”

Mara stepped forward and jammed the blade into the side of Thomas’s neck. Arnolo bellowed and ran forward. Mara slowed time and easily dodged back toward the door.