Page 80 of Unstoppable Shadow

He caught Julias looking at him from the corner. Lock the gate Julias, then hide the key.

Julias slid along the wall toward the gate, never looking away from Mara’s eyes until he turned to lock the gate.

“Julias, unlock that immediately. The prince is leaving,” Rupert shouted.

“I am not leaving.”

Say no, Julias.

“No,” Julias whispered.

“You insubordinate swine, open that fucking gate. Guard, seize him,” Rupert shouted.

Julias rushed to the opposite side of Mara’s table.

The guard stepped to the prince and put a hand on his shoulder. “Your highness, we must leave. The key, scum, give it to me.”

“Chop his head off,” the prince shouted, pointing at Julias.

Mara felt Rupert’s hand brush against his arm as he stepped forward. He grabbed Rupert’s sleeve as tight as he could.

Rupert tried to pull away. “Get him off!” he shouted.

Burn him, Julias.

Julias dashed behind Mara’s head, grabbed the hot metal, and jabbed at Rupert. Rupert shrieked, the metal first burning the hand he tried to protect himself with, then as he snatched the hand to his chest, Julias pushed the metal onto his cheek.

Rupert yanked the sleeve out of Mara’s grip and fell backwards, a blister already bubbling up on his cheek. Julias made a high-pitched moan as he continued forward, jabbing at Rupert’s hands, arms and face. Rupert shuffled backward into the corner, screaming.

Beat him, Julias, beat him.

Julias raised the metal rod high above his head, then swung it down. The first and second swings crunched against Rupert’s hands, the third cracked against his skull. Julias continued to strike Rupert’s head until it was a bloody mess.

Rupert’s leg twitched as Julias stepped away.

Mara smiled. Good, Julias.

“Drop it,” the guard shouted at Julias from the gate, sword drawn, the prince hidden behind him.

Julias turned. He panted as he stood there, face spotted with blood.

Do what he says, Julias.

The metal clanged at Julias’s feet.

“The key,” the guard shouted.

Julias pulled the key from his pocket.

Let him take it from your hand. Do not move forward.

“Give it to me,” the guard shouted.

Mara saw the prince peer out from behind the guard. He looked shit scared. Mara smiled at him, and the little coward slid back behind his metal guardian.

Julias held out the key in an open palm.

The guard moved away from the gate, taking the prince with him. “Open it.”