Page 69 of Unstoppable Shadow

“Is this where I meet them?”

The guide pointed at his hand again. “Ugh.”

Mara went through the saddlebag and handed over the coins.

The guide put them in a pouch on his shirt and pointed at the path again. “Ugh.” He smiled, tied his horse to a tree, and sat on the ground.

Mara clicked his tongue and steered the horse along the path. Alone, this could be his chance to run away. The Shadows are probably watching me. I don’t trust them.

He remembered the mask and pulled it from the saddlebag. It was just like the Shadow’s masks, except it had small holes for the eyes and nose. He put it to his face and tied the strap behind his head, then pulled up his hood. The mask was hot and uncomfortable. I hope I don’t have to wear this thing for long.

A man in a black jacket with golden buttons stood next to a horse in the clearing. He wore a pointed black hat with a golden rope around its brim. He’s high-class. Mara had only seen the high-class once or twice when he’d gone to see the hangings in Talon, never in the vendor district or Spring.

As Mara came to the edge of the clearing, two big men on horses came out from the trees behind the high-class man. Arnolo and Thomas. They looked bigger than Mara remembered. Arnolo didn’t smile like Mara remembered either. They both frowned, hands on sword handles. Mara wanted to take the mask off to show them it was him. I wonder if they would remember me?

The high-class man turned and held a hand up to stop Arnolo and Thomas. Mara slid off, tied the horse to a tree with a knot he hoped would stop it running off, and walked into the clearing. Arnolo and Thomas stayed on their horses. Mara’s face was hot and itchy. He wanted to rip the mask off and throw it into the trees.

The high-class man held onto the reins of his horse. His fat cheeks were red, and drops of sweat covered his brow. The day wasn’t even hot, just cloudy and cool. Mara was thankful it wasn’t hot. He wouldn’t last two minutes in the mask in the sun.

The high-class man cleared his throat. “Lord Cole.”

Should I tell him my name? Or a pretend name? I can’t say Peter. Arnolo and Thomas might realise it’s me. Mara nodded. He was close enough to Lord Cole to smell his sweat, close enough that he could kill him before Arnolo and Thomas could even get their horses moving.

“I feel it would lighten the situation if you were to take off the mask. The men behind me are twitchy at the best of times. You need not fear the release of your identity.”

Mara wanted to take off the mask, and badly. I’m not that stupid. “No.”

“Very well.” Lord Cole cleared his throat again. “To business then.”

He speaks like the Master. I hate posh talk.

Lord Cole continued. “You are to execute Lord Mansell. My peers and I can no longer tolerate the waste of resources in trying to find a cure for his condition. That blasted compound will be destroyed once the king has no further use for it. The city has developed a reputation, you know

– the diseased flock at our gates for this supposed cure. If not dealt with, we are at risk of losing the entire city to the Wane. That blasted Spring is a breeding ground for it.”

Memories of living in the Spring ran through Mara’s mind, unhappy ones. Just get on with it. Tell me what I have to do.

Lord Cole looked like he was waiting for Mara to say something in return, then wiped some sweat away from his forehead with a white cloth. “There is a tunnel between the Wane compound and the castle. The entrance is in the right-hand corner of the compound closest to the city. As I am sure you can imagine, the diseased crowd the doorway hoping to be selected for… treatment. You would be wise to approach by night when they should not be expecting the door to be in use. The tunnel runs from the compound to a cellar of the castle. A guard will await your arrival, knock softly three times, pause, then twice more. He will allow you into the tunnel and escort you to the cellar. He will then await your return and see you out. A boy will be waiting in the cellar, you are to borrow his clothes for your disguise. This will allow you to pass through the castle relatively unnoticed, so long as you do not wear that ghastly mask.” Lord Cole smiled awkwardly, then frowned. “Do you… follow?”

“How do I get in the compound?”

“I believe there are many deteriorated sections along the rear wall where the dead are discarded.”

Mara knew the death smell of the compound well. He couldn’t imagine how bad it would be where the dead actually were.

Lord Cole gave further instructions on how to reach Lord Mansell’s bedroom and held out a key. “We wish to retain this key after its use. Please leave it in the door.”

Mara moved forward and noticed Arnolo pull the reins of his horse tight and sit up straight, ready to charge. As Mara took the key, he brushed Lord Cole’s hand and felt a strange tingle in his fingertips.

Lord Cole snapped his hand to his chest and stepped away. He shook his head as if trying to clear it, then stood silent and looked at the floor. “Yes… I… I…” He gulped and looked to Mara. “That is all. Is everything clear?”

Mara had felt Lord Cole’s fear. He’s shitting himself. “Yes.”

“Very good.” Lord Cole mounted his horse and looked at Mara. “Yes… very good.”

Lord Cole passed Arnolo and Thomas. The big men remained in place until Lord Cole had made the tree line, then turned to follow.

The clearing empty, he walked back to his horse, took off the mask, and rubbed at his face. It was sticky and wet. The cool air felt wonderful. I hope I never have to wear this stupid thing again. He stuffed the mask into the saddlebag, then struggled to untie the knotted rope around the tree.