Page 65 of Unstoppable Shadow

“I…” Silas didn’t

know what to say. “To give you a better life.” Mara’s stare made him feel uncomfortable. “You said they don’t want you there?”

“No. The Shadow Master –”

“Keep your voice down,” Silas whispered.

“He said I didn’t have a place there, and then I was sent to Favian.”

“Did he say why?”

“Some boys died and a Shadow, but it wasn’t my fault.”

Silas spat out his ale. “A Shadow? You killed a Shadow?” he whispered, quieter still.

“No. Another Shadow did it.”


“It thought I was a demon.”

A chill ran down Silas’s spine. “You shouldn’t listen to such things.”

“The Shadow Master said all the demons are dead.” Mara looked at the table.

“He is correct. What’s the matter?”

“I…” Mara scratched at the table.

“What is it?”

Mara looked up. “Nothing. Can I go to bed?”

Looking into Mara’s grey eyes gave Silas another chill. “Of course.”

Silas walked Mara to the room. “Take the bed. I have to go out, but I’ll ask about a second room when I get back.”

Mara sat on the bed and picked at the sheet. “Why did you lie to me?”

Lie to him? “About what?”

“Mother. You said she would hunt me.”

Silas sat in a chair and rubbed his face. “I’m sorry, boy. I’ve thought back to that night myself… many times. I should not have had you kill it.”


“Yes, her. I wanted to see if you had it in you… to kill. To know if taking you to the Shadows was worth it. I thought I was doing a good thing. I know I was wrong and wish I could take it all back.”

“I’m going to sleep now.”

“Okay, boy. Sleep well.”

Silas walked along the dock, his hood pulled forward to hide his face. That boy, there is something about him, but what? Even a Shadow convinced he’s a demon. What did it see? Surely not just his name or his eyes. His brutality? His demeanour? I guess I’ll find out soon enough.

Several men moved around the Gallinule, the busiest Silas had seen it. He walked up on deck to see Captain Glendor hitting a nail into a fresh board. “Readying for departure?”

Captain Glendor looked up with a smile. “Why, if it ain’t… err.”