Page 63 of Unstoppable Shadow

Silas lay on his bed, having not left the room all day. He wanted ale, and badly, but he no longer trusted anybody down there. Who knows what Favian would have them slip into his drink? That good-for-nothing Captain Glendor must have told him.

He struggled to come up with a plan. What to do, where to go, how to rescue Mara. Favian’s got me over a barrel. If he tells the Shadows, I’m dead. What will he have me do? How much coin will he want to keep his mouth shut?

Loud shouts from what had to be a fair-sized mob of people started up in the distance and steadily drew closer. Has he exposed me? Is he having me chased from the city?

He opened the slightest crack in the shutters. The mob was easily fifty strong, many holding sticks and spiked tools. Thankfully, they passed the tavern. I’m not their focus, at least. I feel sorry for whoever is. The mob grew in number as it continued down the dusty street and began chanting about the Wane. Ah, found someone with it, have they? “Did they just shout… Favian?”

Silas rushed down through the tavern, the suspicious eyes of the old drunks following him to the door. He walked quickly to catch up, much to his discomfort.

The mob gathered outside some whore-houses, torches bursting into flame. There were even young children that looked to have been dragged along by their parents, oblivious to the gravity of the situation. Silas pushed through the crowd. Many of the surrounding people shouted obscene things about Favian in their chants. They know exactly what he’s like. He’s been a bastard to all of them. They’ll be glad to see the back of him. As will I.

Three hooded men stood silently at the corner of the building. Must be Favian’s men. Silas approached them. “Where is he?”

The biggest of the three men frowned. “Where’s who?”

Silas flashed the golden handle of his blade. “You know who I mean. It’s best we get to him before they do. Is it true?”

The big man looked at the two others, then back to Silas. “We dunno, lot of blood up there and in the stable.”

“Any idea how long ago he left?”

The big man shook his head.

“The boy gone with him?”

“Think so.”

Silas nodded toward the alleyway behind the men. “That way?”

The big man stepped aside.

Silas picked up the horse tracks and followed them out of the city. If I was him, I’d head for Talon, the only place they’re working on a cure. He would have to collect Vala to pursue them. This is my chance to leave. With Favian gone, the Gallinule is an option. But there was no denying it, he only had one choice. Damn you, boy. I’m coming.

Silas rode Vala hard, and it didn’t take long to catch up with them. Not in a rush? Favian had his arms draped over Mara, who controlled the horse. Silas slowed to a trot, stayed wide, and came up level. Mara was covered in blood, as was the unconscious-looking Favian. Despite the disgusting state of Mara, Silas was happy to be near him again. The feeling of completion returned.

Mara frowned as his eyes met Silas’s, then turned in the saddle and pushed Favian backwards off the horse. Favian landed in the mud without the smallest cry of pain. Is he dead already?

Silas moved in. “You okay, boy?”

“You left me… with him.”

Silas climbed down from Vala and walked toward Favian. “I’m sorry, boy, I wasn’t to know.”

Favian coughed quietly. He looked like half the man Silas had met in his room only a night ago.

Mara came to stand next to Silas. “I hate him.”

“Many people do.”

Favian’s eyes opened slightly, and he moved his lips as if trying to talk.

Silas knelt and leant in. “What?”

“I…” Favian whispered so quietly it was hard to hear him over the wind. “They…” He coughed. “Killed her.”

“Killed who?”

“Luci –”