Page 41 of Unstoppable Shadow

“Then why ask if you are sick? Have you seen things? Hallucinations?”

Mara couldn’t mention the Beast. He’d never believe me. “No.”

“Very well. It would still be best to take precautionary measures. Return to your room.”

Mara looked at Eliot before he left. He didn’t feel bad for him. He didn’t care. Eliot had been horrible to him since the day they’d met, but Mara never wanted him to die. Looking at him now, though, he realised he hadn’t wanted him to be alive either. Other than his mum or Peter, he couldn’t think of anyone he ever cared about. It’s better he’s dead.


Silas rode Vala along the river bank. Morning dew glistened on the lush green open plains that stretched away to either side, with the Odan Mountains looming to the East.

He’d followed the river for a few hours and was getting close to needing a break. Just as the doctor had warned him, the wound did not fare well on horseback. He couldn’t stay in Boomsvale any longer. He needed change. His routine back. No more alcohol. It would be best to head to Witswick and begin preparations for Mara’s assignment. He looked forward to seeing Mara again and was intrigued to witness the gifts the Shadow Master talked of.

He brought Vala to a stop and sat down on the bank. He dabbed at the tender wound. No point cleaning it again quite yet. Ale, that’s what it needs. He looked back toward Boomsvale. Fucking place, fucking ale, fucking woman. He let out a long sigh. “Just me and you again, girl, just the way we like it.” Vala grazed close by. The sound of her ripping up the grass relaxed him. “The simple life, hey, girl.”

In the distance, on the other side of the river, came a horse. Silas squinted. Tough to tell if it’s a man or woman. He chewed on his bottom lip as he looked into the river. Fast, deep, tough to cross. They’

d be no threat unless they had something to throw at him, or bow and arrow. He lent back on his elbows, closed his eyes, and let the sun warm his face.

“How do you do, friend?” a man said.

Silas snapped awake. A man and boy on horseback stared over the river at him.

“Ha, sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.”

Silas sat up. “Just resting my eyes. Beautiful day.” The wound panged. Fuck.

“That it is. Taking my boy fishing.”

The boy smiled, revealing a gap between his teeth. The pair of them looked like village folk. Probably a farmhand and his son.

“River looks a little fast for fishing,” Silas said.

“Sure is. Breaks off a little way down, a couple of little pools with plenty of fish. Where you headed?”

“Sevens Helm, eventually. Taking my time.”

“Ha. I can see that. You’ll find Witswick a few more hours North. Plenty of farms on the outskirts, all offering fair pay for a fair day’s work. You’ll need it in Sevens Helm, bloody expensive place. You a fisherman?”

Now isn’t that an idea? Plenty of fishing boats in Sevens Helm. “Not yet, heard there’s plenty of opportunity there.”

“That there is. Bloody hard work, and dangerous too. Never much liked the sea myself.”

Silas rubbed lightly over the wound. There are plenty of things more dangerous than the sea.

The boy kicked at the back of the man’s leg. “Dad.”

“Alright, boy. Better get on then. This one’s got the patience of his mother.”

Silas smiled and nodded.

The man nodded back and spurred the horse on.

Silas couldn’t remember a father of his own. Only his mother, dragging him and his brothers around the slums of Daal. He watched the man and boy on the horse as they walked away. Teaching his son how to fish. Probably has him at his side on the farm too. There is plenty I could teach a son. Or a daughter. He looked down at his leg. What if it never heals? Then what will I do? He’d heard talk of assassins using bows. Plenty can go wrong with a bow. Not my style.

He looked back to the man and boy. Fisherman with a family. Maybe. Silas shook his head. What? Mara sat backwards on the horse where the boy had been, smiling. Silas felt a cold shiver run up his spine. You are not there. And with that, Mara was gone. Only the boy sat behind his father. Silas looked down at his hands as he flexed them. What the hell is wrong with me?

“Vala.” He grunted involuntarily as he stood to meet her. I sound like an old man. Vala’s eye looked back at him. “What’s this all about, girl? Why the hell am I seeing him? Am I really that obsessed? Who knew that was possible?” Vala continued to chew on the grass. “Simple life, hey girl. That’s what I need.”