Page 34 of Unstoppable Shadow

“Way from as it happens.”

“Dirty place, full of liars and cheats.”

“Is that so?”

“Yep. You’d do well not to go back there.” She walked away, clearly exaggerating the movement in her hips.

Nothing but trouble.

Silas sipped the ale and followed it with several more. The pain in his leg was still there but faded to a dull ache.

Evening came, and the room steadily filled with working men and women dressed in their dusty clothes. The open fire crackled next to Silas and warmed his right-hand side. The tavern girl buzzed around the room, glancing over at him as she handed out tankards of ale. He hadn’t paid for the last five. She’d slid a fresh one in front of him almost every time she passed.

A smiling man thudded onto the bench in front of him. “Where you from, friend?”

“I am Daal, from Daal. That’s where I’m from.”

The man swayed in front of him. Is that him moving, or me? Fuck, I’m drunk.

“Daal? That’s a bloody long way away. What brings you all the way up ’ere?”

Bloody no good, don’t you go there, no fucking good.”

“Am I gonna’ have to walk you to your room?” a woman’s voice said.

Silas flopped his head around. It was her, Lucia. “Wha’? What are you? What? Here?”

“Come on, you, time for bed.” Lucia helped Silas to his feet.

“Got your hands full there, Jennifer,” the man said.

Not Lucia, after all. “Jenifer. That’s a lubley name,” Silas said.

“Don’t I ever. He’s a bloody lump,” Jennifer said.

Silas tipped his head to the man. “Bloody good to meet you, sir.”

Jennifer led Silas through the crowded tavern.

Silas’s knees were weak. “Wha’ did you shay?”

Jennifer gripped him hard. “Nothing, love, let’s just keep you moving.”

The noise of chatter faded as they entered the cold corridor.

Jennifer bumped a door open with her shoulder and sat Silas on the bed. “You don’t drink much, do you? I wouldn’t have given you so many if I’d known.” She sat down next to him.

“You’re lovely, you are.” Silas stared into Jennifer’s brown eyes. They twinkled in the candlelight. She was even prettier close up. He looked at her cheek, where Lucia’s blemish had been. Nothing there, just smooth skin.

“Why, thank you, you’re pretty lovely yourself.”

He kissed her. Her soft, warm lips wonderful against his. She slipped her tongue into his mouth. He bit it.

Jennifer hit his chest. “Ow, you bloody bugger, what are you? A dog?”

Fucking hell, you bloody idiot. He leant forward to kiss her again, and they lay down, stroking each other. Her hand worked its way around his stomach, then into his trousers. No, not yet.