Tucking the afghan under her arm, she headed upstairs. The claw foot tub was going to be a tight fit for his long legs, she realized. Kevin had never been one for baths, and she’d never had any trouble, but Hammond was going to have to sit with his knees bent. Folded like a card table, as Belinda might say.

She felt another stab of guilt. Her mother-in-law would be mortified by Noelle’s behavior this morning. In Belinda’s world, everyone was welcome, no matter who they were. Hadn’t she embraced Noelle that first afternoon? The Frybergs didn’t pick fights like bratty children.

Or encourage men with concussions to fly home.

If he crashes, it’s on your conscience.

He wasn’t going to crash. He wouldn’t take the risk if he didn’t feel secure in his abilities. Right?

I don’t make a habit of staying where I’m not wanted.

“That looks deep enough.” Hammond’s voice from behind her made her start. Looking at the water, Noelle saw the tub was three-quarters filled. Hammond’s blurry reflection shimmered beside hers in the water. Tall and icy blue next to small bright red.

“The water?” he repeated.

Stupid her. “Spaced out for a moment, there,” she said, reaching for the faucet handle. “I’ll let some of the water out.”

“No need. I think I can handle it. I didn’t hit my head that hard.”

“Right. Let me grab you a towel then and I...”

She sucked in her breath. Hammond had unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a white T-shirt beneath. Tucked tight in his waistband, the thin cotton emphasized the muscles in a way the dress shirt couldn’t possibly. You could see the outline of his ribs. The bottom of the cage cut away to a narrow, trim waist. Above the ribs, a cluster of dark curls playing peekaboo at the V. It was to that spot that Noelle’s gaze immediately zoned. Drawn by the contrast, of course, not by any memory of her hand splayed against the firmness.

Cheeks warming, she quickly yanked her gaze upward.

“There’s blood on your collar,” she said. It was the first thing that sprang to mind, and she needed something to explain her sudden loss of words. “Your shirt is ruined.”

“Looks like the drone claims another victim.” Hammond fingered the stiff corner. The red-brown stain covered most of the right side. “I’ll toss it out when I get home. Who knew something so small could cause so much damage?”

“Consider yourself lucky it wasn’t something bigger,” Noelle replied. Her senses regained, she continued toward the linen closet. “Could have been a remote-control C-130.”

“Or a crystal tumbler.”


“They can cause a lot of damage, is all.”

“If you say so.”

Was this knowledge from personal experience? Considering she’d thought about tossing a thing or two in his direction, she wouldn’t be surprised. Taking a pair of towels from the cabinet, she piled them on a stool next to the tub along with a spare toothbrush.

“If you don’t need anything else,” she said, looking in his direction. Hammond had shed his dress shirt completely, and stood in his T-shirt studying the bloodied collar. Noelle struggled not to notice the way his biceps stretched his sleeves.

This sudden bout of awareness disturbed her. She’d never been one to check out other men. Of course, the fact that this was the first time a man had stood in her bathroom since Kevin probably heightened her sense of awareness. And while she didn’t like Hammond, he was handsome. She had been struck by how much so when she’d checked on him during the night. He had been blessed with the most beautiful mouth she’d ever seen. Perfect Cupid’s bow, full lower lip.

“What time do you have to be at Belinda’s?”

His question jerked her back to the present. Dear God she was having focus issues all of a sudden. “Not for a couple hours,” she replied.

“Good. You’ll have time to drive me to the airstrip.”

Her stomach twisted a little. “So you’re still planning to fly home today, then.”

“What’s the matter? Worried I changed my mind between the kitchen and here?” He grinned. Something else she’d noticed this morning. His mouth was capable of an annoyingly attractive smile.

Noelle scoffed. “Hardly. I doubt you ever change your mind.”

“Only if I’m well and truly persuaded.”

The intimate atmosphere made the comment sound dirtier than it was. Noelle fought to keep a flush from blossoming on her skin.

“That’s what I thought,” she said. He’d stick to his decision, even if the idea was a bad one. Nothing she could say would change his mind.