Page 48 of Accidental Mistress

‘But I don’t want to talk about any of that now—I’m done with talking.’ His eyes locked with hers and his voice deepened and slowed to an explicit, sexy, drawl—all the tension in him focused on a single goal.

‘What I want is for the rest of the world to go away and let us concentrate on what’s really important.’ He moved from closeness to intimacy, still without touching her, but stroking her all over with that wonderful voice of gravelled velvet: ‘I want to make love to you, here and now, in my house, openly and alone…no helpful relatives, no pesky interruptions, no tortured revelations…just you and I, showing ourselves how good we can make each other feel…’

He cupped her face in both of his hands and brought his mouth slowly down to part over hers, sinking them both into the luxury of a luscious, languorous, blissfully uninterrupted kiss. All Emily’s cares and worries were wiped away in an instant, overtaken by warm and wondrous delight, her aching uncertainties absorbed by a sense of rightness, of glorious belonging…

The thickening of the clouds outside the window was matched by a growing tempest within as their swaying bodies broke and reformed with passionate hunger, excitement outstripping the initial slow, sensuous coming together. With a breathtakingly quick motion, Ethan peeled the scoop-necked yellow tee shirt over her head and threw it on the floor, retaking her mouth as he pushed his flattened hands down into the elasticated sides of her capri pants to rake them down her silky-smooth legs, lifting her out of the pooled fabric, and setting her gently down on her slender feet again so that he could enjoy the sight of her honey-gold body trembling for his touch. This time her bra and barely there panties actually matched and he stroked the transparent front panel of the deep red, hi-cut bikini and murmured thickly, ‘Did you wear these just for me?’

She looked down and discovered that the lace motif his finger was tracing was a pattern of roses swirling down between her legs. If she had, it was an unconscious choice, but then, so much of her reaction to him was beyond her conscious control…

‘Of course I did,’ she encouraged him wantonly, arching her back so that her breasts lifted in their fragile bondage of scalloped lace.

She shivered as his fingers trailed lower and feathered across the pouting puff of filmy fabric between her legs.

‘And you’re already wet for me,’ he whispered, his other hand moving around her back, fumbling to unhook the half-cup bra and toss it aside, allowing the splendour of her pink-tipped breasts to tumble free. His fingers flew to the buttons of his shirt and with a surge of dizzying excitement she saw that they were shaking, so she reached up to help him tear it open, gasping as the shirt joined her scattered clothes on the floor.

‘What’s the matter?’ he said, sweeping his hands down her naked back to settle around her waist, drawing her towards the strong columns of his thighs.

‘Nothing,’ she said huskily, plunging her hands into the rich, dark thicket of hair that spread between the shiny bronze discs of his nipples and tugging at it to make him groan. ‘I just thought that you were smooth-chested…’

‘Shall I stop and shave?’ he teased raggedly, but she detected the faint note of chagrin and hastened to reassure him. How could she have known his self-confidence was so fragile? she thought with a secret smile.

‘Oh, no, I like you like this,’ she said, letting him see how she frankly gloried in his rampant masculinity, kneading his chest hair like a purring kitten, bending to pull at it with her teeth, and nuzzling through the curling strands to find his flat nipples with her tongue, eager for a taste of him.

He reacted with savage eroticism, returning the heated favour, gathering her in with his strong arms and rubbing the fur on his chest against her bare breasts until the exciting friction made her beg for surcease, whereupon he arched her backwards and took them in his scalding mouth, sucking at the nipples until they were tight, hard, little berries, bursting with hot sensation.

‘You taste of salt,’ he growled, moving back up her throat to savour her mouth and ears and eyes, everywhere the sea spray had dissolved on her skin.

She licked at his jaw, her darting tongue causing the muscle to flicker and clench. ‘Mmm, so do you,’ she whispered approvingly.

He swung her up in his arms in spite of her squeak of feverish protest about her weight, and carried her with laughing ease into his bedroom, stripping back the bedclothes before laying her on her back on the cool white sheets. She stretched, bending her arms back over her head and restlessly shifting her legs as he stood and unbuckled his belt and shed both jeans and underwear in a single movement, his boldly jutting erection swaying as he knelt on the edge of the bed and threw his other knee to the mattress on the other side of her, straddling her with his powerful thighs. His hands caressingly encircled her waist and he tugged her down on the bed so that his mouth could reach her breasts, his thick shaft nudging into her softly rounded belly until he reached down and guided it to tease against the filmy-wet fabric between her legs.

‘How much I’m going to enjoy entering my very private little rose garden,’ he gloated silkily, rocking his hips. He smiled down into her hectically flushed face. ‘You were in here, weren’t you, Emily? In my bedroom…that’s the only way you could have seen my other secret rose garden—there’s no view or access to it except from this room. Were you lying here on my bed, having wicked thoughts about me, imagining me making love to you like this, touching you here…. and here…and especially here…’

A burst of molten sparks showered through her at the delicate pressure against the heart of her femininity. She shuddered, her fingers curling into the rippling striations of hard muscle along his lean sides.

‘I pretended your pillow was you…’ she confessed foolishly in a fever of desiring, and his body shook with a sensuous chuckle.

‘And did I feel like this…’ he taunted, taking her hand and wrapping it around his hardness, coaxing her thumb to move, letting her feel the satiny heat and pulsing throb of the prominent head as he pushed himself against her eager fingers.

She moaned and he tugged the panties down her legs, helping her thresh to get rid of them, digging into the drawer beside his bed to curse his way impatiently into a condom, and then he was rolling over on his back, dragging her with him, setting her astride him, testing the hardness she had explored against her naked heat.

‘Like this, I want to see you, I want to taste you and play with you while I’m inside you,’ he said, cupping her breasts and fondling them, bending his knees to tilt the centre of her body over his erection, groaning as she began to slide down onto his rigid shaft. ‘Yes, that’s right, just like that…now love me…’ he commanded hoarsely.

Love me. Her heart exploded with joy. If he wanted her to love him, perhaps he was ready to give the same gift in return. ‘I do…I am…’ she panted, crying out in frustration as her distended body briefly resisted his bold intrusion.

‘Wait, Emily—am I hurting you?’ He froze, his big frame rock-hard with leashed sexual tension, gritting his teeth in tortured ecstasy as her sheath fisted around him. ‘You’re so damned…exquisitely, tight…’

‘And you’re so exquisitely…right…’ she sighed. Her body had already recognised the lover of her dreams and with a sinuous twist that made him sweat and groan she took him completely, bowing over him, her swollen, blue-veined breasts brushing tantalisingly against his mouth until he lifted

his head and captured them with his lips, holding her fast so that he could drink lustily from her sweetness, his big hands cupping her hips, urging her to a faster rhythm until her head fell back and her spine began to stiffen. Immediately one of his hands slid between their bodies to the place where they were joined and found the tiny, engorged bud of carnal pleasure, his skilled play bringing a violent flowering of drenching delight.

But still that wasn’t enough for him, and even as she was still racked with shivering convulsions he rolled her over, reversing their positions, rising above her on braced arms and accelerating the driving thrusts of his powerful hips until she twined her legs around his waist and screamed in another shattering climax, feeling the violent, pulsing spasm of his thickened shaft as he joined her in a prolonged outpouring of voluptuous gratification.

Afterwards they lay locked in each other’s arms, too lazy to move, perspiration cooling on their bodies as they drifted in and out of a satiated doze.

Each time she roused, she saw his well-loved face on the next pillow, and a sweet contentment that had nothing to do with her physical euphoria pierced her heart. Of course, the physical part was nice too, she thought with a secret smile.

‘What are you thinking?’