
Face it, she’d look out of place no matter what she wore. Best she could do was wear a smile and hope Stuart wasn’t too horrified by her appearance.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door.

Afraid of what she might see in Stuart’s face, she avoided raising her eyes past his torso. That view was intimidating enough as it was. He was in full lawyer mode in a black suit similar to the one she remembered from the emergency room. This time, he finished off the outfit with a blue tie, the color of his eyes. To her embarrassment, Patience noticed her scarf matched. Made them look coordinated. Like a couple.

Maybe he wouldn’t notice.

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” she said.

“No worries. It was...worth the wait.” There was an odd hitch to his voice. Mortification, maybe? Still afraid to look up and see, she pretended to pay attention to the steps as they headed downstairs.

“The Landmark isn’t too far from here,” he said. “Would you like to walk or drive?”

Once again, she faced the specter of being in a dark closed space with him. “Would you mind walking? I could use the fresh air.” Anything to get the butterflies to settle down.

“Are you sure?” She didn’t need to ask to know he was referring to her high heels. If only he knew how many hours she’d logged in shoes like these. A few blocks’ walk would be a piece of cake.

The night air was surprisingly comfortable. A gentle breeze greeted them as they stepped onto the stoop. While Stuart locked the door behind them, Patience looked up at the darkening sky. A handful of early stars twinkled hello, and she made a quick wish that the night would turn out all right. Remembering their conversation from the night before, she asked, “How much daylight did we lose today?”

Stuart chuckled. “None, actually. The drop in daylight doesn’t start for a few more days.”

“So yesterday’s explanation was wrong?”

“Generalized. I didn’t realize I was going to be quizzed.”

His hand hovered by the small of her back, guiding her down the steps. Patience made sure to walk quickly so as to avoid contact. “I’m sorry Ana strong-armed you into coming with me.”

“I thought we covered this at the hospital. She strong-armed both of us.”

“Yeah, but still I thought I should apologize. To be honest, I’m surprised you haven’t said anything about the fact she and I were going together. I thought for sure you’d comment on it being part of my agenda.”

“I thought about it, but since I know how badly Ana likes to have someone attend these things with her, ’ll give you a pass.” He flashed a smile. “Don’t get used to it, though.”

Patience added it to her list. Right after “going to parties with Stuart.”

They stopped to wait for the traffic light. “I’ve never been to one of these kinds of events before,” she said, while they waited for the light to change. “Any chance they’ll present Ana’s award early?”

“Nope. They need incentive for people to stick around. How else would they get them liquored up enough to bid on the silent auction items?”

“You ever bid?”

“Are you kidding? Those society women are worse than mob enforcers. You’d be amazed at the stuff they’ve convinced me to bid on. And for how much.”

Patience fought a smile picturing Stuart fending off a parcel of senior citizens. “Did you win?”

“Twice. Once I won a gym membership. That was useful. The other time it was a romantic getaway to Newport, Rhode Island.”

“Romantic weekend, huh?” She fought back the intense curiosity that rose up with his answer. Who was the lucky woman? In her mind, she pictured someone smart and sophisticated and who always wore the perfect outfit. Since his dating life wasn’t her business, she settled for the blandest response she could think of. “At least you won something fun.”

“So my secretary said.”

“You took her on the trip?”

“No, I gave it to her as a bonus. She took her husband.”

There was no need to feel relieved, but she was anyway.

They reached the Landmark just as a limousine pulled to the front door and a couple stepped on to the curb. Seeing the way the woman’s diamond cocktail ring sparkled from a block away, Patience’s palms began to sweat. She was supposed to mingle with these people? What was she going to talk about with them? By the way, what furniture polish does your cleaning lady use?

“Hey, you okay?”

She nodded, and adjusted her scarf. “I’m glad you’re here is all. I’m a little...” Why not admit the truth? “I’m a little out of my league.”