Throwing back the covers, she stretched and headed for the shower. Back in her and Piper’s old apartment, a long hot shower was her way of scrubbing away life’s dirt. The close, fiberglass stall had been her oasis. This morning, she was using Ana’s Italian marble shower to rinse away last night’s fantastical thoughts. There was probably some kind of irony in that. All she knew was she had to go back to keeping her distance before she made a fool of herself or, worse, said something she shouldn’t.

The brownstone was empty when she finally came downstairs. A quick look toward his bedroom door—because she needed to prepare breakfast, not because she was thinking about him—showed Stuart was already awake. Up and out, apparently. A good thing, Patience told herself. She still wasn’t sure how to explain her behavior last night, and Stuart’s absence gave her the space she needed to come up with one.

Nigel was sitting by the kitchen door. The food littering his mat said he’d already had breakfast. There was coffee in the coffeepot, too.

“He sure is making it hard to stay unaffected, isn’t he, Nigel?” She gave the cat a scratch behind the ear. “But we’re going to do our best.”

Just then the front door opened, signaling the end of her solitude. With a soft meow, Nigel trotted toward the entryway. “Hey, Nigel,” she heard him greet. “Told you I’d be back.”

Patience rubbed her arms, which had suddenly developed goose bumps. Amazing the way the air seemed to shift every time he entered a building. Like the atmosphere needed to announce his arrival.

And thank goodness, too. She turned to the door at the same time he entered, and if she hadn’t been forewarned, her knees would have buckled underneath her completely.

He’d lied last night. No way the man walking into the kitchen was an unathletic nerd. His thin cotton tank might as well be nonexistent, the way it clung to his sweaty body. She could see every muscle, every inch of nonexistent fat. His arms alone...were lawyers allowed to have biceps that illegal? All those thoughts she had about his being commanding and superior? They doubled. And she’d thought he might kiss her last night? Talk about being a fool.

“Good morning.” He barely looked in her direction as he made his way to the refrigerator. “Going to be a scorcher. You can feel the heat in the air already.” Grabbing a bottle of water, he downed the contents in one long drink. “Did you sleep all right?”

Clearly last night’s encounter hadn’t affected him. “Fine,” she lied, ignoring the hollow feeling threatening to take hold of her insides. “You?”

“As well as anyone with a furry bed warmer can sleep. Nigel has apparently appointed me the substitute Duchenko.”

“I noticed you fed him. And made coffee. Thank you.”

“Since I was awake first, it seemed only logical. Plus, Nigel would never have let me leave the house, and I wanted to get a run in before it got too humid.”

“I didn’t know you were a runner.”

“Grandpa Theodore’s idea. He thought it would help keep my lungs strong. The habit just sort of stuck.” As he talked, he crossed the kitchen to the side where she stood. Patience gripped the counter a little tighter. Even sweaty, his skin smelled appealing. Instead of stale and dirty, it was the fresh, clean scent of exertion.

“I called the hospital before I left. Ana had a good night,” he said, reaching into the cupboard for a mug.

He offered her a mug, as well, but Patience shook her head. Sharing coffee together felt too domestic and familiar.

“Oh, good. I was thinking of taking her some of her favorite tea and cookies when I visited her today. Since you were concerned about her eating and all... what?”

He was giving her one of those looks, where he seemed to be trying to read her mind. “That’s very thoughtful of you.”

“You sound surprised.”

“Actually...” His expression turned inward. “I’m beginning not to be.”

“Thank you. I guess.” Maybe he was finally realizing she wasn’t some kind of criminal mastermind out to take his aunt’s money or whatever it was he suspected her of being. Maybe this meant he would back off and her insides could unwind.

Or maybe not, she corrected, taking in his muscular arms.

“Don’t get too comfortable. I’m still keeping an eye on you.” Damn, if the smile accompanying the remark didn’t make her insides grow squirrelly. He finished pouring his coffee and headed toward the door. “I’m planning to stop by the hospital before work this morning. If you’d like, I can give you a ride.”