“Do you want to come my pretty wife?” I nod as he picks up the pace finally. He’s working the vibrator in earnest now leaning forward to run his tongue along the seam of my nether lips.

“God yes!” My voice is hoarse, tears escaping from under my lashes.

“Show me love.” Milo replaces the vibrator with his thick cock easily sliding in aided by my wet honey coating him from root to tip. The vibrator returns and I feel a press at my star. It stings at first making me gasp.

“Breath in and out Piper.” I follow Milo’s lead and he pushes the stick inside humming away as his cock fills me. The well to my orgasm breaks on a cry and he fills both ends of me, his seed jetting deep and my walls contracting around him.

“Fuck, Milo.”

“I know.” He kisses his way back up my body careful when pulling out of my still convulsing body. His face masters the devious smirk I’ve come to love so much.

“Bedroom?” I sigh my legs feeling like rubber from running a 5k on the treadmill and out of commission.

“Bedroom.” Milo agrees helping me up and carrying me down the hall to our room for round two.


“Milo!” Hearing my wife screech at the top of her lungs from the hallway doesn’t send me into the same panic it did yesterday. Nurses on the maternity floor barely glance in my direction recognizing me. I might be famous, but my wife is infamous around here since I knocked her up. Diana peeks her head out from the door and I run like the wind afraid of missing anything. I spin the wedding ring on my finger loving the heavy feel of it on my hand. Minutes earlier I was sent from her room and told not to come back without her favorite protein packed ice cream. Like an avenging ice cream angel I bring her favorite brand Halo and a spoon.

“Piper, darling.” Her face is beat red and her hands are clenched tight. I place the market bag on the nightstand next to the bed placing my cool palms over her cheeks. She’s panting through another long contraction. She can’t have the ice cream anyway since she’s in labor now, but I don’t tell her that. I leave that news to her lucky obstetrician.

“I hate you.” The growl is feral sounding

“Good thing we’re not due for a full moon anytime soon.” I kiss her forehead and help her sit up to massage her back the way she likes. Up until labor she wa

s ravenous for me to touch her, now I’m lucky she doesn’t gut me when I turn away.

“Piper!” Diana scolds brushing back the dark hair clinging to her face. My beautiful wife looks slightly crazy in a preganant haven’t slept in twenty-fours kind of way. She might not like it but I think she’s a goddess all rounded belly and a rigid spine of strength. Frankly, it makes me hornier than it should right now and I have to think unsexy thoughts to calm myself down.

“How could he do this to me?” She curls up into Diana’s arms pushing me away. Piper lost her center of gravity sometime ago and not even her legs fully bend to curl up. A lesser man might have felt useless or insulted but I don’t. Fun fact about my wife, she has no tolerance for pain. It makes her crazy, irrational, and I become public enemy number one. When she sprained her ankle halfway through her pregnancy I made her stop managing the gym hiring a temporary person to work with Jax when the doctor put her on bedrest. Let’s just say I’m good at ducking pillows, tv remotes, and projectile envelopes of mail made into paper airplanes.

“Honey, you’re having a baby. We’re having a baby.”

Piper husks, “No Milo, I’m having this baby. You’re smoking a cigar while I push out a cantaloupe from a button hole.”

“Lovely darling.” I rub her hand, but it’s snatched it away to smack me.

“Piper it’s not that bad. Think of the little bundle of love you’ve been waiting for?” Diana coos rubbing her belly. I might be concerned when, not if Piper’s head starts twisting around like a demon from the movies.

“Get. It. Out.” Piper eyes me over her friend’s shoulder and I smirk. Of all the requests this one I can’t help her with.

“That’s not what you said nine months ago.”

“I was drunk.”

“On proseco?”

“It was our honeymoon.” She wails as another contraction takes over. The three of us coach Piper through the cramps, Diana does the breath and I count the time on my watch.

“You’re right and it was best honeymoon ever.” I sit next to her on the bed holding her hand letting her squeeze it until her strength gives out. I nod at Diana to give us a minute. Piper’s wrath is a part of the pregnancy neither of us expected so soon. She’s not mad and I bet once this is over I’ll have days of another hormone rollercoaster filled with tears to kiss away.

“I’ll go get the doctor, sweetie.” Diana leaves and Piper leans into me, her mini freak out over for the moment.

My other hand rests on her big belly that holds our child. No matter how much I’ve studied the human body it’s an amazing creation capable of bringing life into the world and healing. Piper is consumed at the moment with birthing our legacy. I doubt she would appreciate my thoughts on human physiology right now.

“Can we go back?” She whimpers pulling me closer. I would do this yo-yo with her forever confident we have the forever kind of love.

I kiss her forehead teasing. “Of course we can. I want at least three more babies.”