“You didn’t sleep here, did you?”

“As in this bed with my adoring wife?” Her eyes narrow suspiciously. “Yes, I did, and I took thorough advantage of you as well.”

The top half of her body pops up and rolls over.

“What?” I should have been insulted by her shriek but I let it go. It wasn’t as if she was a virgin or anything. I didn’t even touch her, much. Sue me for snuggling her warm little body and keeping my mostly hands to myself.

“Relax, Piper. I’ve still got my pants on. The air conditioning was cold and I fell asleep next to you. I don’t assault sleeping women.”

“Uh huh.” She continues rolling over to the side of the bed giving me her back.


“Yeah, I’m going to get a shower. I’m sure I’ll feel better afterwards.”

“I hope so. We have a whole day to explore and the sun is shining.” I watch her walk into the ensuite bathroom shutting me out with the closed door. So much for the start of the rest of our lives.

Piper emerges twenty minutes later freshly showered and shyly smiling.

“Hey.” She plops onto the bed next to me where I’m reading through the paper. My stomach is growling and coffee only goes so far.

“Hey, feeling better?” I ask. I actually do care about her well being. I was perhaps a bit of a caveman thinking we could jump into things.

“Yeah. Sorry about before.” She waves her hand in the air which I guess signifies the before part.

“Can I share a secret with you?”

Piper’s eye raise and I lean in.

“I’ve never been married before either.” She laughs which was what I was hoping for.

“Filled our quota on weirdness haven’t we?”

“That we have, dear wife.”

“What are we going to do today?”

“How do you feel about swimming?”

“I love it.”

“Great put your suit on.” I toss her bag to her while I duck into the bathroom this time. I change into board shorts and a t-shirt. Beach day with my wife is going to be a good day.



sp; We leave our room and walk to the beach about a block away. The sun is shining and its hotter than usual reaching into the mid 90s. Seeing Piper in a pale pink bathing suit against her skin does things to my mind that make me question bringing her to the beach. We set up in the sand not too far from the water and watch kids play along the edge. Families crowd the beach, it’s not terribly private but I think anything else would have had Piper running to the car and trying to get back to Baltimore as quickly as possible.

“Sunscreen?” Piper picks out a bottle from the bag and opens it up.

“Please.” I reach for it but she holds back smiling.

“I think you’ll miss a spot on your back.” She waves at me to turn for her and I do. Heck, I’d do anything she asked of me right now.

“Oh yeah?” I say over my shoulder.

“I’ll help you out with that.” I feel the cool cream being rubbed into my back and I forget that Piper is a physical trainer and former ballet dancer. She knows all the good spots to rub out and a few I probably haven’t thought of. Her hands dig deep spreading the sun screen over my back.