“I heard that part, but what are we doing now?” My eyes dart around as Milo guides me toward the parking lot.

“We my lovely bride are going to a little beach bed and breakfast about two hours from here.” His hand squeezes my shoulder gently.

“But.” My head whips around and he keeps me moving in the same direction despite any protests I attempt.

“No buts, except for the one getting into my car with her overnight bag.” He swats my ass tapping me softly and I yelp trying to sidestep him and his large butt seeking hand.

I face him but use my hands to cover my rear. Both sets of my cheeks feel heat from top to bottom. “I didn’t pack anything.”

He leans in so close he overshadows the sun and I have to hold my breath or get taken in by his masculine scent. “I know. Diana helped me.”

I swore my friends switched teams after this stunt. I could keep fighting or give in gracefull because what’s done is done.

“Okay, husband. Lead the way.” Milo grabs my hand eagerly and I follow him to the car. I know so little about my husband that I’m surprised to see the brand new, stickers still on the window and plate decal for a hybrid SUV.

“What’s this?” I point to the vehicle wondering where his sporty looking car went.

“I figured we needed a new vehicle.” He opens my door and ushers me inside. This whole farce may have started as a plan to keep Milo here but he really took this to the next level whereas I had growing reservations.

“Where are we going?”

“I suppose it won’t hurt to tell you. I gave Diana all the information in case of an emergency. It’s a bed and breakfast in Solomon’s Island.”

I knew of the place, it was a little ocean town about two hours south.

“We’re really doing this?” I say to know one in particular as he navigates from the hospital lot to the highway. My sleep has been suffering the past few days with all the details and planning and both my body and my confidence are overwhelmed with exhaustion.

“We really are, Mrs. Milo Lazare.” He grins holding my hand and I like that he hasn’t let go. My eyes drift closed watching the city fade with each mile we drive. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all?



Married fact number one, my wife snores in her sleep. Not a cute snuffling sound but a raucous one followed by a little bit of drool coming from her side mouth. It’s endearing and would probably take a little getting used to considering she currently rested her head on my shoulder. The drive took us nearly twice as long due to an accident on the highway. Dinner was a late rushed affair in a small café and once we got to our room Piper laid down on the bed citing a headache. Before I could offer her a pain pill or help her out of her dress she was dead to the world my beautiful bride. With the sheet kicked off her legs, her sundress rode high exposing her thighs and her loose hair tangled in sheets. No hope for consummating this marriage yet. I wasn’t rushing things but I wouldn’t have minded a little hands on time either. It was as if Piper shut down from the moment we said, I do. We were adults, we made our bed, and I had hoped she would have been more enthusiastic by the prospect of doing more than sleeping in it.

I shifted in the bed when my cellphone vibrated. Picking it up I check the text from Beck.

Beck: I dropped off the paperwork. All copies.

Me: Thanks, I owe you one.

Beck: I know, I’m going to start with the sister.

Me: What?

Beck: We can talk when I get back. Go sleep with you wife.

Me: Plan on it.

I didn’t realize the hold this had been having on me until I let out a deep breath. I was definitely going to ask Beck what his deal was with Johanna later.

“Mmm.” I turn back to Piper who is stirring from sleep rubbing her eyes and digging her face into the pillow deeper.

“Good Morning, wife.” I lean in propped up on an elbow. My hand rests in the center of her back where her spine gracefully dips down in a sexy curve. My hand travels lower until my palm cups her firm ass.

“Milo?” Her head pops up cute and disheveled a bit like a prairie dog when I scrunch the fabric of her dress up lifting it high exposing the dimple between her upper back thigh and the scalloped edging of lace underwear. My finger makes a casual sweep under the line of her panties and I groan feeling soft seductive skin.

“Yes, darling?” She’s totally awake and I test her by inching my finger higher under her panty line and tugging them down.