“I don’t think those are the actual rules. Isn’t a person supposed to lose and then the clothes come off?”

The bottle spins and spins landing between us, no target in sight.

“Do you really feel like losing or getting to know each other better?” And by better, I mean with significantly less clothing on pulling my tie off and unbuttoning my shirt to even things up. Her eyes roam my face making the rounds of my body. I smile under her shy perusaul hoping I pass.

“So what made you want to be a doctor?” She pats a spot next to her and I scoot over leaning back against the cabinets. It’s not comfortable but she’s not nervous and I’ll take it.

“When I was little we lived in Georgia about a half hour from Tbilisi. That’s the capitol city.” My voice gets this cadence talking about my country.

“Is that by Russia?”

“Yes. I’m not unfamiliar with living in a war torn country. Most people think of the larger conflicts. Serbia or Bosnia, but my home was destroyed by soldiers because we wanted independence from the Soviets.”

“I’d never heard of it before.”

“Most haven’t. My country has a president, and a constitution, but we were still fighting up until 2008 in civil conflicts. My parents traveled a lot but gave up the house we had moving to London permanently. The rest of our family lives on the coast of the Black Sea now.”

Piper is inquisitive and genuine. Her voice whisper thin asks, “Did you see stuff during that time?”

“I guess it’s a long answer but yes. I knew what amputated limbs from bomb blasts looked like and bullet wounds. My uncle lost a leg and my dad was in the military. It’s how my parents met.”

“Your mom’s a doctor?”

“No, a journalist. She works for a Canadian publication and traveled all over. They met and it was love at first sight for them.”

“That’s so impulsively romantic.” Her voice is filled with wonder. I think about what we’re about to do ourselves, but say nothing.

“Yeah, I don’t think she’s left his side once since then. She stayed in Georgia to marry my dad. What about your parents?”

“Mine were born and raised here with blue collar jobs. Nothing too exciting except they’re taking vacation time to travel with their RV while my sister and I housesit for them.”

“All the more reason for you to be moving in with me as soon as possible.”

“Right.” Her eyes roll. I’m serious about her moving in and pull her into my lap.

“I’m 38 years old Piper. As nice as I’m sure your parents’ house is I kind of like this one.”

“I kind of like it too.”

“Can I show you the bedroom again?” I coax getting up off the floor keeping her in my arms. We haven’t divested a stitch of clothing in all this time.

“Are you asking me to sleepover before the wedding?”

I bark laughing. “Obviously I am.”

I carry her toward my room. The one I plan to be sharing with her in the next few days. I dump her on the bed tugging her dress over her head, and crawl over her pinning her down under me. She’s lean but soft in all the right places distracting me. Seeing her hair spread over my white bed sheets in a curling dark fan makes my dick pulse hard. I need to slow down if this is just a sleepover, I’m not in any condition to drive her home and I’m not sending her off in some cab.

“So.” She lays pliant her eyes smiling and a little drunk.

“So. This is the bed.” I pat the mattress rolling my hips into hers eliciting a moan that sounds like music and magic all at once making my cock harder between us. Control is not my friend tonight, but it will have to be. I’m saving the other stuff for the wedding night or as much of it as I can.

“Uh huh.” Her hands reach for me touching. The soft pads of her fingers press into my skin in our push and pull.

“And the closet is over there.” I point to the left pulling down the lacy cup of her bra kissing her left breast. In the dark, I lick her areola sucking it in a pop. “And over there is the master bathroom.” I nudge my head to the right leaning down to kiss her right breast cupping her small tit in my hand rubbing the rosy nipple

into a hard nub. I kiss the center of her chest where her ribs begin to separate and the thin skin flutters with her heartbeat underneath. I feel weirdly protective of Piper.
