“I-yes. Yes, Milo.” He slips the heavy ring over my finger and I don’t even look at it running my hands into his hair and pulling him down to fuse his smart ass mouth to mine.

“Excellent. You make me happy.” Milo hugs me tight and I feel a huge wave of responsibility for making him happy. It’s not a burden but more of a promise of things to come. I like it and can’t stop grinning like a loon. He must think I’m crazy but doesn’t comment.

Speechless he walks me out to his car. I lock up the house and get in letting him close the door for me. My hand feels different wearing a ring on it. I practically feel branded but don’t say so instead clenching my hand afraid the heavy thing might fall off.

The drive to the restaurant doesn’t take long and before we know it we’re seated at a table.

“Cat got your tongue?”

I turn toward Milo whose been watching me all this time. I’m blown away, not yet recovered thinking about where this is all leading. Marriage obviously and I stare at the sparkling hardware adorning my finger. It’s huge. A single round diamond in a sturdy setting. It’s not flimsy thing you wear occasionally, this thing looks like it’s the tank of all rings and meant to be worn everyday, even at the gym.

“I had it made custom.”

“Hmm. It’s heavy.”

“Platinum but the setting is weighted to balance so you can wear it all the time and not worry about it even at the gym.”

“It’s beautiful and thoughtful. Thank you.”

I don’t have a chance to respond further when Johanna and Jax join us rushing inside.

“Sorry I’m late. My boss is a prick.” Johanna picks up the wine menu ordering a bottle of something we’ll both drink.

“I wish you would quit that job.” I tell her but we don’t have time to talk about her employment woes because Jax is here too.

Jax leans in for a hug and to shake Milo’s hand. “Jax Holden. The best friend. I’m guessing you’re the fiancé?” He greets Milo eyes glinting.

I scowl.

“Stop being so domineering Jax.”

“Sorry love old habits. Besides if the doctor here isn’t good to you I’m going to beat his ass back to whence he came.”

I cringe looking at Milo whose eyebrows have risen.

“I’m guessing you finally told them?”

Shrugging I explain,“I had to tell someone besides Diana.”

“Gosh look at the sparkler!” Johanna grabs my hand approving twisting it up and down letting the diamond catch the light from every angle possible. Jax nods approvingly.

Milo smiles big and takes a drink of his wine before answering. “Don’t worry Jax, I’m a eat dessert first kind of guy. I’ll take care of our girl here.” I wish my eyes could set him on fire right now.

“Glad to hear it. I like him Pip.” Jax chuckles and before I can decide who to kick first the waiter comes to take our order.

Dinner goes well. I suspect my sister is keeping her own council about this. We still have to call my parents and tell them. Johanna let me know I owe her because now mom would set her sights on her for a big family wedding. We had a fifty dollar bet what color the bridesmaid dresses would be. I said pink. Johanna said violet and Milo joined in doubling our bet saying turquoise. Jax wisely sat this wager out saying black goes with everything especially funerals when my dad found out.

I was relieved to get along and when dessert came Johanna used her phone to dial our parents. It rang once before they picked up.

“Hi girls! Jax, and oh who is this, Piper?” Mom is shrewdly asking.

I point to Milo and speak. “Mom and Dad this is Milo.”

“Hi.” Everyone chimes in exchanging pleasantries. My parents glance at each other and before I loose my cool Milo takes over holding my hand.

“I’m so glad we were able to catch you, Mr. and Mrs. Scott. I’ve fallen for your incredible daughter. I know this quick but–” My breath hitches with his pause. Should we do this? We agreed to do this, but still. Nerves silence me watching for their expressions.

“I would like to ask you formally for her hand in marriage. I know this seems quick and I haven’t been able to properly meet you. My mother would be so mad at me right now but I simply can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her.” Milo finishes by kissing my hand. My hand sporting a two caret whammy which my mother’s keen eyes don’t miss for one second.