“Relax, Casey. When I propose marriage to your sweet ass, you’ll know it. I’m only down here because I want your undivided attention pretty girl.” He pushes my messy hair back off my face.

“Well you’ve certainly got it.” Grimacing, I can’t fathom what he’s going to spring on me now, after everything we’ve been through.

“Can you be quiet for one moment and let me say what I need to say?”

“I’ve been quiet all week. Why did you wait until now?” I ask and he tilts his head grinning at me. I suppose any news would have been awkward during my imposed vocal silence.

“Of course. Go on.” Whirling my hand in the air, he catches it, a glint in his eyes making me nervous again.

Smirking he ignores me and continues. “What I’m trying to ask you is if you’ll be my morning radio DJ.”

“What?” Stunned. I’m in absolute, jaw-dropping shock. I’m conflicted. Would I have wanted James to propose? I’m not sure, but the thought stays in the back of my mind processing what’s he’s asked me instead.

“Say yes, babe. Come on, you know you want to.” James is still on bended knee, and I’m clueless at what to say. People nearby look at us and smile and I want so badly to yell at them to mind t

heir own business. It’s not a marriage proposal, it’s a job proposal. James tugs my hands to bring the attention back to him. A job—he’s offering me a job. It’s the one thing I’ve always wanted and he’s offering it on a silver platter. My heart is pounding so hard I can’t think straight.

“But the board? How is this even p-possible?” My voice fails me from weakness at the end.

“It’s my company and I just bought back a controlling share from my asshole cousin who had to clear up his gambling debts.”

“How did you find that out?” Shocked my mind blanks on each word James is saying.

“Eli Bennett is a wonder. I can do whatever I want to do, and what I want to do is offer you a job that I know you deserve and love. So what do you say? Take another chance on Austin Communications? Take a chance on me?”



Casey’s dark eyes glaze over with shock. I suppose I could have been a little smoother with my delivery. When I got the okay from the board in a text message in the doctor’s office, I could barely hold the good news back. She was going to get her voice back, we were going to figure out who did this, and she was going to have her career… and when we were ready, I was going to propose to her for real.

“J-James, but the FCC, the board, my voice quality, and oh my God…” She’s sputtering nonsense, twisting the greasy napkin in her hand. I take it from her and just hold her hands. Her eyes are liquid diamonds of emotion on her smooth cheeks. It takes all my self-control to not haul her up and have my way with her in the very public park setting kissing her trembling lips. The doctor said she would go to speech therapy and all should heal perfectly. Her hesitation is not an answer, and I need one.

I pull her chin close to mine and kiss her lips, lingering to lick them before whispering in her ear, “Babe, I’d be careful, the last time you looked at me like that, I ripped those leggings off and sank myself deep inside your sweet pussy. Now tell me, yes or no, so I can take you home and celebrate.”


“Perfect.” This time standing up, I pull her off the bench, throwing out our trash and half dragging her to the car… so I can rip off her clothes and celebrate properly in a very private way. The first part of my plan is finally set in motion.


Wicked Games

The tangled webs we weave…

These wicked games we play…



“Mmm… what is that delicious smell?” Rolling over in bed, I paw through down pillows and a fluffy comforter. I watch James break apart a cinnamon chip scone from the bakery we frequent down the street. The hot pink box from Pauline’s Praline House is out of my reach. He continues to tease me as I’m straining to grab his arm. Waving it up in the air the cinnamon sugary smell in the bedroom permeates the space before he pops a bite in his mouth.

Greedy bastard.

The one I love more than bakery treats if possible.

Part of me wants to jump his ass and eat the whole thing, but patience tells me I will get something better if I wait. After all, I had been waiting on tender hooks the last six weeks to start working again now that the doctor gave me the clearance on my voice. So far, the only work out James approves is the one between the sheets, and I can live with that for maybe another week at most. Sex is never boring with James but I crave adult conversation and something to look at besides the walls of this penthouse. This is the longest I’ve taken off of work, and the boredom is stretching my sanity thin.