I see James in the mirror behind me in our suite. “If I didn’t know better I might think you hired all the help because I truly am fit for radio and not the stage.”

“Now you’re being ridiculous.” He hugs me from behind and delivers a sweet kiss into my dark cloud of upswept hair.

“I should be nervous, but I’m not.” I sink into his embrace enjoying the quiet moments we have interspersed between the busyness.

“That’s good. You’re going to be amazing.”

Twisting in his arms I hug him back wrapping myself around his tuxedo clad body. “Thank you.” Our eyes clash and warmth flows into me.

“For what?”

“For believing in me.”

“Casey, I always knew you could do this, doesn’t matter if it’s on the air or on a stage. You connect with the audience and that’s what I heard in you the first time you subbed in for the traffic report.”

“Yeah, nothing says success like an update on an overturned truck on the Walt Whitman Bridge.” I sway out of James’ arms but he tugs my hand pulling me back.

“Do you know how many calls I got from listeners asking who you were?” This nugget of information stops me.

“Really? Probably to complain.” Dismissing James fails and he guides me in the direction of the bar inside our room pouring me a glass wine. He breathes in like he is fortifying himself for this debate and hands me a glass of red.

“Some, yes, but only because the regular DJ was part of their ingrained routine. Someone will always complain.” He holds up his finger tapping the air. “But, there were quite a few that commanded your dry humor and wit. You were refreshing and your voice captivating.”

“But I didn’t get that job.” We clink glasses toasting.

“Hmm. No, I couldn’t fire a DJ like that just to hire you, but I did have an opening on the night shift which made offering you a starting position easier for the board to accept. The listeners started

hounding the board and even with my cousin owning a portion of shares at the time, I still got my way.”

“I guess it worked out.” Sipping the wine I let the calm come over me. James had bought those shares back from his cousin which I knew about before. It continues to feel like I got the job because of him, but having listener support softened the blow a fraction.

“It always works out. I make sure of that.” He plants a soft kiss on my forehead and we make our way to the limo that will drive us to the show.



The lights on the stage are bright, blindingly so blocking out the faces of the audience. The excitement is palatable and the auditorium is overheated by the jam packed attendance. The first several rows are listener VIP tickets and the flashing lights of cameras taking pictures look like sparkle from backstage.

I’m watching Casey host the show from the wings making the audience laugh. Her energy is captivating making jokes on the cuff and smiling. I’m awed by her ability to adapt and feeling jealous that I have to go on later to present a lifetime achievement award to a pop diva who continues to refuse our invitation to visit the station in Philly. I wonder if the audience will boo me off stage and ask for Casey to come back and present. As far as work functions go, this should have been fun for us. Instead, I feel cramping worry while the security team I hired is in place and we stay close by watching and waiting. Casey has never been safer with all eyes on her, but I still can’t shake that something is going to happen.

She presents the award for best new male artist and then introduces the next performance by the newcomers named, Bullethole Strippers. She’s all smiles and even earns a compliment on her beauty from the lead singer whose flirty teeth I’d like to pop out of his mouth. He’s joining us on Monday at the studio for the show and I think about how I’m going to get my jealously in check by then. I consider a sex marathon with Casey the night before, but I realize how over the top that is. She would catch on before the first orgasm and then I would be the one at her mercy... The idea has merit when I see her exiting the stage in my direction. Gorgeous full hips and rounded heavy breasts showcased in a red dress like a goddess saunter toward me. I know how lucky I am and I don’t want to waste more time with this stalker.

I open my arms to have her walk into them hugging me. “That was so much fun.” She exclaims, her face bright and shiny from the heat of the lights. Her red lips popping with joy.

“You were amazing.” I wrap my arms around her swinging her around toward our green room.

“Did you hear the lead sing–” I cut her off with a long open mouth kiss stealing the breath from her lungs tipping her back and earning us a few whoops and hollers back stage from the crew.

“I love you, but I might have kill Danny Wood in the studio Monday.” She laughs and pokes me in the chest kissing me back without a care in the world.

“I got you.” She rubs her finger over my bottom lips that likely sports bright red lipstick. I don’t mind if she brands me with her lipstick, I’m already all hers.

“No, I got you babe.” I give her a smacking kiss on her neck earning a peel of giggles as I suck briefly to leave a faint mark only I can see up close under the lights. No lead singer is going to steal her away from me, just like no job offer will since I took care of that already.

“Jealous much?” She tweaks my nose playfully.

“Hell yeah.” I’m not afraid to admit it.