I reach my hand back to run it through his hair and tug him closer. “That’s not environmentally friendly.”

“I’m not concerned with the planet, just my girl.” He jokes.

“Spoken like a true CEO, one who will make a large donation to Green Peace.” I say cupping his sac in a firm grip.

“God, I love you so fucking much.” Trailing hands down my body I shudder in his embrace arms holding me. Against my ear the whispered words are nearly drowned by the pulsating water. My heart feels stretched and full, and I know I feel the same love for him.

Finally the words leave my lips, “I love you more.” My words leave his smile pressed against my cheek as I view us in the bathroom mirror through foggy shower doors. Hands touch me flipping the switch again. Kissing me, we turn toward each other and fuck against the wall slipping and grasping for each other overcome with reciprocation.

“Ready, babe?” James winks at me as we sit in the car. My nerves are rattled, I’m not sure I’m ready for anything, but as they say, the show must go on. Entering the office building from the lower parking garage we are buffered from the crazy photographers and security guys walking the deck. It’s only private because James has made sure to block them out. The newspapers have been hounding him since the incident on air. He’s kind of a big deal, and I’m a bit of scandal. I didn’t grasp how much he was Philadelphia’s most eligible bachelor until now. Yes, I knew he owned a large company that netted millions, I just wasn’t aware of all the details of that part involved. I wasn’t interested in James for his money. If anything I tried to not be with him, but the heart wants what it wants.

Now that our cat is out of the bag, the paper headlines haven’t exactly been kind wondering who I am. I don’t have a scandalous past; just family I’m not overly close with. Nobody will make anything off my story as there isn’t an interesting one to tell. No past boyfriends who care to share details and no close girlfriends with secrets from the high school hallways. I led a perfectly average life struggling paycheck to paycheck until James waltzed in.

However, all kinds of names and innuendoes within legal parameters have been printed. They have been saying that James is slumming it with me, his ex-employee and radio DJ. The story is a goldmine of gossip for these journalists who have more time on their hands than should be respectable. It’s been a social media nightmare I have tried to avoid. On the occasions they follow us outside, we answer with a teamwork response of “no comment”. James threatens to sick his team of lawyers on them, but I find the idea too exhausting and beg him to let it go.

We haven’t had a break since I started staying at his apartment. James doesn’t want me to see what my old place looks like since the fire and I agree, for now. Everything I own has been brought to the apartment, there wasn’t much left that was salvageable, but at some point I will need to face reality and the phone calls from my renter’s insurance.

Stepping inside the elevator for a station meeting, I’m going back on air with an established morning show who needs a new current events anchor. It’s ironic they want to call it Casey’s Newsflash, but work is work and this job is a big change having me waking early and napping late in the day. I almost feel like a superhero with this new identity.

I’m fidgeting inside the elevator riding up to the offices when James backs me against the wall.

“You look worried, why do you look worried, Casey?” His fingers rub the crease in my brow and I grab his hand to kiss his fingertips. “I told you to not worry.”

“I am worried. I should be worried.” Intense anxiety fills me. This whole thing has the potential to blow up in my face. Second guessing, I shouldn’t be here and the anticipation that things will get worse makes my stomach churn more painfully. Reaching for my purse, I look for something to suck on to get the taste of bile from my mouth.

James grabs my hands pulling them out of my oversized bag. “What are you looking for?”

“Something to suck on. I can’t stand this taste in my mouth.” He stops me and I turn my head up into his smirking gaze. I shake my head letting my lips crinkle in a forced smile. “Stop it, James.” He’s thinking something sexual. It’s written on his face plain as day.

He reaches into his pocket and takes out a strawberry candy handing it to me. I turn it over examining my favorite hard candy in the red and green wrapper.

“Go on.” He urges me with a smile. “I’ve got a whole bag up in my office for you.”

I unwrap it, the sound of crinkles filling the space and pop it into my mouth. “Thank you.” I say between sucks of sweet melting candy in my mouth calming me.

“Hey, you’re going to be great and the team already loves you.” I believe him, I don’t have a reason not to, but I can’t help the uncertainty. James is nudging me as the elevator makes its ascent.

Agreeing, I know he’s right. I can do this. We can do it together. The doors open and air sucks out of the room leaving us in a silent vacuum. Familiar faces stare back and I acknowledge them moving on autopilot with James’ hand on the small of my back propelling me forward into the meeting room. Starting over happens now, ready or not.

“Casey!” Tucker jumps ahead of everyone to give me a hug. “It’s so awesome to have you back.”

“It’s good to be back.”

“Thanks to you, I got a promotion too.” Tucker winks and I look back at James wearing a sly grin, hands in his pockets, and shrugging like he had no part of this. I’ll thank him later, much later.

Interrupting my reunion with Tucker, the door opens and a man wearing a bright turquoise dress shirt and shocking white blonde hair steps out. Tucker passes me off and the familiar face I can’t place immediately pulls me into a quick embrace before pulling back to look me over. “So this is the darling Night Owl causing a ruckus?”

He shakes my hand chuckling as he introduces himself. “I’m Benny Masterson on the morning show. Welcome to the team.” He’s cheeky, his sexua

l preference is obvious in the way he looks over James winking and giving me nod. He isn’t rude but I know he’s appreciating my boyfriend the same way I do and it makes me laugh breaking the tension I felt before walking in here.

Reeling from the warmth in the room which is unexpected I breathe in and out, James’ hand rubbing my back and propelling me forward into the meeting room. My stunt, as the legal team refers to the incident on air has caused people to lose their jobs and the company to pay substantial fines to the FCC.

“Natalie.” She nods and tells me she is the gossip girl, Natalie Chu. I recognize her from the billboard on Interstate 95. She is as rail thin on the advertisement as she is in person. All smiles, she tweaks her short black pixie cut hair linking her arm with Benny. They look unified as the welcoming committee and I’m hopeful this will all work out.

Another addition to the meeting, a stiff man with buzz cut short hair and smelling like an Armani advertisement invites us to sit down. He introduces himself as George Lake, the other morning producer and we join him to discuss how my addition will transition the morning show.

The meeting goes well and we plan out my introduction and how the show is organized. My self-confidence has been my biggest hurdle, but James might actually be right about things working out after all.