“It’s about to get even nicer.” James removes his clothes and stands in the shower behind me. He doesn’t get much of the water, but he seems content to just stand there.

“This is nice.” I reach for the body wash and my loofah, only to have James remove them from my hands. “What?”

“Allow me. I’ve kind of always wondered what it would be like to wash my girlfriend.” I hand over my stuff. Girlfriend. It’s got a nice ring to it and I feel spacey and happy all at once. I want so desperately to forget about everything before this moment.


“Do you know her?”

“Who?” I’m having a moment processing all he’s said and don’t realize he’s asked me another question.

“My girlfriend… Do you know her?” He smiles and takes the loofah, running it over my shoulders and down my arms.

“Maybe…” I try to not crack a smile, but James is playing a game with me. He’s become a regular jokester. Maybe this is better because I don’t want to deal with what just happened back at the radio station.

“Well, see, I met her at work.” The loofah traces back up my arms and over my collarbone, then down my back.

“Did you now?” I turn my head to look up at him. His dark hair is plastered to his head, and his eyebrows hold drops of water to them.

“I did. I tried to stay away, but she made it so hard. She makes everything hard.” James pushes himself against me and I feel the thick ridge of his cock pressing into my right hip. This might have been the worst time to get sexy, but it was a perfect distraction from the real world. My mouth goes dry just thinking about him. Tall, erect, and waiting for me to make a move because, of the two of us, I’ve shied away every time.

“Maybe you just come on too strong and she doesn’t have a chance to recover,” whispering, I lean my head back, rolling into him. My hand tentatively reaches out to touch him. His hand covers mine with a smooth squeeze and I stroke the hard length of him, running my finger down the soft head. My thumb catches his slick arousal and I circle the top of him, moisture beading at the top as I’m pulling down and cupping him, molding him in my grasp.

“God, Casey.” James begins to come undone in my hands, and I realize how much more I want with this man. I slowly sink down to my knees in the pooling water. “You don’t…” James grips my shoulders, trying to pull me back up.

“Shh… I want to.”

“No, your knee is banged up.” He’s half picked me back up when I push his hands away. I want this right now.

“Let me. Please.” This is something I can give him, something I can focus on besides the insanity waiting for us outside my apartment and the sting of my bruised skin. I kiss his hard belly below the ridges of his defined abs, taking the head of his cock in my mouth, his pleasure echoing in the confined space…



Casey’s eyes grow dark as she slowly sinks to her knees. I’ve only dreamed of this the last eighteen months I’ve known her. My fantasies consisted of her sashaying her pert ass around the office, ending with her avoiding me at all costs. Perfect lips the color of ripe summer strawberries nip at my stomach. My body clenches, electrified with each press of her lips on my body. Casey stays on her haunches, the position showing me her thick thighs, pale skin, and curvy waist. Her delicate ankles press deep into her ass before she rises up to meet me, mouth to cock. She sucks me deep before popping me out of her mouth. Her hands slide up my legs and my dick bounces against my stomach, waiting for her next move. Casey looks up at me, eyes wary, and I want to reassure my shower nymph that all will be well.

The shower spray has soaked us both and tangled her dark hair, making it a mass of wet curls falling over her shoulders and between her breasts. I let my hands fall to her face and brush water droplets off her forehead, tracing her cheek, following a path to her lips. Casey kisses my palm before reaching up to circle her hand around my cock. She grips me and squeezes, earning her a grunt. My eyes roll back, making me look up for a brief moment. I need air, but the shower mist and Casey’s gaze have sucked it right out of me. All I can think about is how heaven sure is a hot place. Casey glances at my now throbbing dick taking me deep. I watch her ruby lips surround me from tip to root and my vision blurs for a moment.

Soft lips encase me in her hot mouth sucking gently and I’m a slave to her ministrations. I thought I would be taking care of her, but she’s taking care of me instead. She pops me from her mouth, licking her tongue down my shaft and back up to my head, swirling around it. It takes a bit of effort to not blow my load right there. I could have sworn I was a man of finesse, but Casey unmans me with each look, heady breath, and lick.

“Sweetheart, perhaps we–” I don’t get the words out because she starts squeezing my sack and pumping me hard into her mouth. The rhythm pushes me closer to the edge with each pull. I think she tries to say something, but it comes out more like a humming vibration, sending me right over the edge in a fucked up mess of desire and emotions. “Ah, god, Casey.” I praise her.

I drop the loofah in the shower and run my fingers through her tangled hair, unable to pull her swollen lips from my shaft. I tug hard on the back of her neck, but she doesn’t let go. I’m barely able to stand or speak as I lean into the wall of the shower. Glancing down, I admire the curve of her back and the pinpoints of her spine, little indents that map the most beautiful real estate of her body. Casey continues to grip me and I feel the tip of her finger trail back, massaging that forbidden spot I’d only heard about. The pad of her finger slides closer on my appreciative groan, and I feel her smile around my shaft.

“Turnabout is fair play. You wait, minx,” I growl. My dick jumps, catching me unprepared for the second wave. I try shielding the spray of water from Casey’s face, smoothing her messy hair back as the orgasm forces me to lean against the shower wall, weakened by her.

Releasing me, she licks her lips. “You were saying, James?” A wanton smile curves her face, eyes sparkling.

“You’re evil, sweetheart.” I look at her with hooded eyes, using my thumb to wipe her bottom lip. Feeling her soft, plump lips makes my stomach clench with renewed need.

“Your girlfriend must be some girl.”

I pull Casey up, her hips rubbing against my sated body, and realize the shower has gotten cooler. A chill overcomes us both and I know we need to get out from under the water.

“She’s something all right.” Shaking my head when she laughs, I wash her hair, then let her rinse off in the remaining warmth of the water. Grabbing towels, we wrap ourselves, heading into her bedroom.

“I’m so exhausted.” Casey plops down on the bed and I join her, rolling the covers down so we could get in, pulling them back over us.